Valentine's Day: The Movie

So I watched this yesterday night by myself and watching it again made me learn quite a bit of things. Love isn't scandalous or ignorant. People are. There are many things we take for granted in this world and sometimes it's the people that are there in front of us helping us day by day and yet we don't even realize it until we find them gone or etc. And sometimes when you make mistakes, it's okay because that's what a person is. We all make mistakes and no one is perfect so if you look for a perfect person to won't ever find one. You have to just learn to accept the good and bad from the person and that's how you learn to love. You have to look pass their imperfections and love every bit of them. And sometimes love can be very ignorant and so may not even notice that the "perfect" person is right in front of you all along. You don't need to have sex to connect or feel as if they are yours. You can be the most innocent and still have the strongest bond together as long as the feelings and strong and true for one another. I don't think people understand that I don't need him to like me. You don't have to be with a person just because you like them. All of that does not matter. It only matters if you are happy and I am perfectly fine with how we were. I am fine with the fact that I am able to still talk to him and help him and joke with him. Yeah, it's not like before...I do miss that terribly, but I'm very lucky to have even had that time with him. Some girls never get that chance because they're too afraid to take it or believe that guys should make the first move. Well no...I made the first moves and I don't regret it one bit. When I retell our story to others...they find it so cute. I find myself smiling and feeling all giddy on the inside like I did everyday back then. I really miss that feeling and I don't know where it went...Maybee it just left with all those good memories. Actually's still there. It's just buried deep down and sometimes it escapes and instead of feeling happy, it makes me sad because I miss those times. Also...I know this already...never avoid your feelings because it only makes you feel worse in the end, yet I do it all the time now. I need to stop and just let myself fall again. Maybe then the feelings will go away and I don't know. I'll always see him as different though.

I wasn't feeling like this until I saw him post up a new facebook picture. He looks so adorable that it hurts.


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