People are Ruthless

Everyone's just as hypocritical as much as they hate it. They tell me to do this and that, and not do this and that, yet they do just the same. I shall no longer talk all the crap that I have been influenced on to talk about. I will take all that negative crap and turn it into making myself better. I will work out instead or study more. I will not waste my time on petty things, and I will do better. I will see my days in a more positive life and forget those who bring me down. I have a choice, and I am able to choose to be with people who bring me up. I do not have to hang out with people that only will put me down for who I am or criticize my opinions and thoughts. I mean they can comment on it, and fix me if I'm wrong, but there are ways to fix someone's way of thinking to make them less ignorant, rather than just simply putting them down. In that case, I will not let her petty little thoughts and opinions affect me. Even those "closest" to me here are not really mindful. Their words can hurt and they don't even know it. They just spew out all the shit and well, I just have to build up that armor again and just let those words reflect back on their own. This world is cruel.


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