To the bitch by my feet

Lowkey annoyed when I'm told that I should look at a certain thing a certain way to give the benefit of the doubt for people, but it's not like they do that for me. I get that okay think of what to do and say as your best self. Yes do it, but I'm a person. I can get angry. I am allowed to be angry. Maybe I can't infringe on your happiness but I know you enough to see that you're a fucking lazy ass motherfucker too. So how dare you tell me I'm lazy. How dare you tell me you're just saying the truth, and it's a joke so why am I being sensitive? How dare you tell me to suck it up but then when I kinda say something out of line...that that is too much but for you it's just how you usually are? No fuck YOU. That capped itself but it works. I'm tired of your bullshit. I pretty much predict what you're going to say or ask me bc you're pretty FUCking obvious. Honestly this is gonna be a lot of hate speech but I need to get my annoyance out bc you're annoying as fuck. I kinda hate how you act real clean but then your shit is everywhere. You haven't thrown your trash with food away and your hair is all over the damn floor. But oh I guess Anne is the only fucking one who sheds in this apt so let's blame it all on me. Wtf. And I hate how you act like you're so neat with your bed folding and shit. Okay? And? Do you want a prize for doing your bed? Why do you have to make fun of someone for not doing theirs or for having more blankets than you. That's dumb as FUCK. It's a dumb thing for you to even comment on. But the dumbest part is that you say it not as an observation but you said it in a condoning way. So like we feel bad that we have more blankets and we should feel weird if we wanted more. Okay fuck you and your Steve Madden fucking shoes you use for rain bc they work like rain boots and all the other Brand named clothes you wear that I haven't even heard of. What is it...Columbia or some shit? Okay? And? You've had that sweater for so long bc it's good material? I've had my pink sweet pj pants for since high school at least. I don't even know if it's been since middle school. Could be. Really. But y'know they were probably like Jcpenny or some shit. Your privilege is so out there you don't even notice it. You don't notice that you have a car and it makes life easier for you. So you can easily tell me to take the bus. Of course I know I can take the bus but I don't need you to tell me what to do. You aren't my mom. So why do you like to always tell me what to do? Like to wear my rain coat when it was raining?  Bitch I said I don't want to. Do I like not know how to take care of myself? My god maybe you're right, especially after 4 years of living by myself in SB and not constantly having my parents help me pay for my school and my rent and in that, tuition, books, food, etc...that yeah, maybe I've learned nothing right? But no you know, I've never learned to struggle in my life. Of course you haven't omfg. You haven't had to pay a dime for any of the shit you needed or used even until now you privileged bitch. I can't even believe that I sit through all this listening to you. Of course you're gonna now complain to me that you're gonna have to pay for grad school or whatever the fuck else you're gonna do after undergrad or that you have to take out a loan. Bc for heavens sake no, no one else has had to do that. And no one else has had to take out money for these past four years while you got a head start and got things all paid for. Sorry I mean not sorry. It sounds like I'm hating bc I'm poor but yeah I guess you could say that. But the thing is is that this is privilege staring right at you in the face and you cant recognize that. If you're saying that I'm just mad bc I don't have money, you're right. I wasn't born into money or privilege. I have had to get jobs and work my Butt off for school. I have seen my parents do that for all of us. I'm not Saying her parents didn't. Y'all made it. You broke part of the system and are able to gain so privilege. I recognize you still got identities that put you in a lesser position to lose privilege but you still got privilege in other ways. I could go on probably for forever more but FUCK you. I got work tmr while your ass sleeps so fuck off bitch.


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