Done with it

It feels so lonely nowadays...yeah I might have the people that care for me, but slowly they're all moving away from me. I don't talk to those that were close to me online as much anymore, and Betty's moving in like a week...Then the guy I like...I'm pretty sure he won't ever like me back, but Jennifer [the one I tell everything about him to] keeps me on my feet and still trying. In my heart though, I have a feeling even if I send 5 grams...if I perservere, if I keep trying, if I show him how much I care, etc...It won't work because I'm just not good enough? And I barely see him at school...we don't have classes together and he's a can I live up to that?!???....I want to give up, but I don't know.. I'm sick and my voice cracks so much and like finals are coming and I'm am I gonna concentrate...mann...I feel cold :l

I wish life was easier...and maybe if I could be a bit more talented or even prettier...but I'm not :l

Why am I feeling this way for this's like for my ex, but damn, this time it's not a long distance thing....I really want this to work out >.< ...maybee I'll wish on 11:11 just for you and hope that it comes true...

Haha...I feel's not like I'm any different and he's not going to notice me cause I'm a "Freshmen" If only...he would prove that wrong to me..

Am I desperate?....I don't think so right?...I think it's just the feeling of confusion in me.

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