Tennis Banquet Fri. 5/21/10

to be continued...
ehh it's already June first and I don't really wanna talk about this, but here goes. I'm suppose to like write my essay for Romeo and Juliet but too lazy XD. Ehhh....procrastination sucks and anyway, back to topic. I went home that day right afterskool and even skipped VietClub Board meeting just to go get ready and head to Jennifer's house. Then when I was there, Christina came and helped with my makeup and Jennifer let me borrow some other their accessories. I thought that it was really nice and plus Jennifer...she was trying to get me to take off the cardigan, but I wouldn't. Then I finally did and she said I looked really cute! Ehh but I put it back on later ahah. I don't think I make any sense o.o but oh wells. So we went and it was at Thai Nakorn, across from GG hospital. When we got there, there was many people there ;) and like yeah..I was wearing my purple dress + made me feel really tall haha compared to the other asians....If you know what I mean. Well, then later "he" came. He was hugging other people and stuff and I was like right behind him, but not facing him. I was looking at Annie/Gennie and they saw him. -_________- so they grabbed his shoulder and pointed at me...that was honestly so embarrassing...I didn't even know what to say, but hii cause like he was probably thinking..wth and so were his hugging friends XD. Anyway, the food was okay...I didn't really get to eat much and I'm not big on trying to get the food when it was so faraway from my reach.  - John helped me a bit to get some food, but I didn't wanna bother him xD. That whole time, I was having butterflies and feeling sickish cause I was gonna sing in front of so many people and plus HE was there. I sang Hero by Sterling Knight. When I was actually better than I thought. but the first thing I felt when I was in front of everyone was nervousness cause when you actually take in all the people that are looking at's alota scary eyes xD. So then the mic didn't work, but then it did so I had to use it D:....and for a second I thought my song wouldn't work either [yes!] but then it did too [no!] I sang and I was liek sweating and red and stuff....mann the room was crowded with like no windows. Anyway, Timmy talked to me and told me that I was really did alota other people. Timmy also said he wanted to do a cover with me so hopefully that will happen one day when things aren't so crazy. Then I also got to know a lot of people there...the coach, Randy, was very inspiring and he made me want to join tennis, but I'm not. (Patrick tried to convince too, but ehh money/family problems don't work out well with something that takes up alot of both.) There was speeches, awards, a video by Peter, and a picture slideshow....all was such a great night. It might not have satisfied the food part, but I really liked the night and the people. When it was about time to leave......Idk, but it was funn....too bad "he" had to leave early. Anyway, afterwards on aim, he talked to me and told me that I was really good at singing and said that I should sing for Keyclub banquet now I Baby - Justin Bieber and probably with Timmy hopefully ;].....-sigh- I wish everyday was as good as that.


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