VietClub Banquet 09-10

May 14, 2010 was Santiago's VietClub Banquet. The officers had to arrive at Seafood Palace at 5 p.m. sharp to help set up. I actually was able to walk in heels for the first time...wear a dress and look great. I had loads of funn ;) No lies and like mann.....the first thing most people noticed..well the girls and my mentor, was "your boobs are so big." LOL like wth xD...don't look at it...that's kind of why I wore a cardigan. Plus for my arms too. that was pretty awk. Then, me and Richard were taking pictures and getting the members/guests ready. At 6, Ngoc told me that I was performing first...Oh mann was I nervous..I was like sweating..or as Mrs. Guns says it "I was glowing." So then Vong helped by letting Melanie go first to do her speech and then I go after her.: - SHS's vietclub youtube channel - my channel: check out When We Say - AJ Rafael (karaoke)

so I sang even though I was really nervous. Thing was...I was sick too, but kind of better than a few days before. I sang, but I still couldn't sing the high notes like "I know you love me too"...Anyway, overall, it was one of the fun nights that I've had in my life and very cute and funn with friends. I was actually really nice to Richard and Brian. Then the other Brian...the one that I think looks like Sang....twice, did I call him Sang, but I don't think he knew because I quickly changed the subject. Plus, he made me smile by telling me taht I sang very well for being sick and that I probably sing better when I'm not sick ;)..

Well I don't know what else to right about, but that night was awsome!


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