I hate getting my hopes up....so tomorrow I will get ready in the morning, but I won't hope to even go anywhere. I have a feeling he won't go and if not, then I'll be a little bummed out, but I won't let that affect me. It's like a chance and if he takes it or not, well then whatever happens happens. I'm tired and I don't even think I like him like that anymore. I don't know. I think I'm going to tell him anyway if I feel like I do. If it doesn't happen, then that's okay with me too. Even if I do tell him, I won't expect him to do anything and/or like me back. I understand that he probably doesn't and that's okay with me. I just need some form of closure to move on. Hopefully tomorrow works out though because I kind of need a day that's spontaneous and with someone who will just let me have some good laughs. I need escape from reality for a bit. Orientation is coming up real soon. They're setting up dorm mates too soon. Everything's coming down to the last stretch and ready for a whole new world. I hope it all goes well. I really do. It makes me nervous.