Story: 2013th edition (Part 1)

Five significant highlights of 2013 for me would be:
  • deciding to go to UCSB - I got to go away from home, not because I wanted to run away from my family, not because I hated them, but because I needed to be independent. If I stayed close to home, I knew I wouldn’t grow up, and I would be afraid to just take chances to get to experience life and learn more about myself. 
  • standing up for myself against one of my closest friends and one that used to be a friend that really was just a bully to everyone - I can say that I’ve done my bestest to be nice to people, but I am strong and I’m not there to be a pushover anymore. I stood up and got out of those manipulative relationships that would only bring you down, and I am glad that I did that for myself. 
  • learning the true meaning to love after realizing I loved a person not for their gender but for who they are - I guess you could say this is my “coming out” story, but I’m not coming out of nowhere. I met this girl and I fell terribly hard for her. It overwhelmed me because I was so used to the set standards of boy/girl. For a long time, I was conflicted and I tried to explain to others that I liked this girl, but not because she’s a girl. I couldn’t accept that I could be lesbian, but then I realized I’m still me. I still love the same, smile the same. Then it dawned on me that yes…I didn’t like her because she is a girl…I found her attractive because of who she is and how she is. Don’t get me wrong though, I still think boys are attractive. Just don’t label me as anything except call me by my name. 
  • graduating from high school - those past four years were hell and though they were, I learned a lot. I hated the way people treated me there, but because of the shitty friends I began with, I eventually have found myself and found true life friends. 
  • and chopping off my hair - not a lot of girls can say that they are willing to cut off most of their hair, and I find it very daring to do so. I’ve always wanted to just chop it off, and I’m glad I did it because I feel like I am free to do what I want and be as I want now more than ever. I can say that I wanted to cut my hair this way rather than having the influence of others form my decisions.


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