Oh to the M to the gee

OMG. So 5 frickin grams, I spent the whole first period while everyone else was doing finals for eng...i decorated those and wrotes in it. Your. smile. means. a lot. to me. Happy National Rejection day :D!

OMG. will he like it?!? D: I'm so nervous heh......this is so weird, i'm getting like nervous and butterflies in my stomach.

Idunno if i should send it D: D: D:....I get too nervous to talk to him at school, wouldn't it be weird if i just send him grams when i dont even talk to him in school??? mann idunno im sooo ehh right now...where is jennifer when I need her advice and support D: D: ahhhh. my head feels light and i need to study for geo, hist, and spanish D: FML.


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