
Today I went to school even though I was sick and first thing in Eng class...I felt awful...we had to do the practice timed writing and I was liek going to die...I only did 3 paragraphs and I was suppose to have 5 :[. Throughout the day, I toned down things and I felt horrible. Currently I'm suppose to be studying, but I just couldn't take thinking so much so I needed a break and decided to blog. At lunch today was the KeyClub meeting and I totally forgot about "him" because I went in with Betty, but then he was there and like usual..I freaked...I do the usual which was turn around...go omg, smile, and look away/down...I know that's like wow dumb right? But I can't help it. I get nervous when he's around. Yeah, I don't see him like THAT much during school and I've only talked to the clean up. Plus, the only time we talk is on AIM and I could barely talk to him on there too because it seems like he doesn't want to talk to me at all like he did at first :l. That hurts..

So then I got a seat near him, but not like the one right in front of him...too coward to take that seat...I sound so ughh...makes me angry at myself how every chance I get to talk to him or something, I miss it by being too shy/nervous/afraid/etc. It's just a habit of mine...I'm hoping that before the 4-day weekend, I can talk to him face to face instead of just on AIM, but I doubt that it'll happen because of my shyness when it comes to guys I like. Wish it was easier.

Also, today I got my 5 valentine grams that I won from the design contest. I'm going to send all 5 to him and like write something different on each card....he never told me his classes and I got it from Jennifer...I hope when he does get it...he doesn't think I'm like a stalker..I don't want to be looked at like a stalker, but someone with a big crush on someone else.....

I'm pretty pessimistic...idunno if that's how u spell it but w.e...Well, the grams could end out good and give him a bubbly feeling..or end out bad and get him angry because he told me specifically not to send him A GRAM. That is correct though..."a gram"...he never said anything about more than "a gram" ...Let's hope it works &esp hope that I get to talk to him soon, or he might think of me as a stalker that is too cowardly to talk to him in reallife.

Life is so mysterious.


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