It's Mother's Day tomorrow

A stupid day it is really. Why? Because moms everywhere should be appreciated each and every day...not just once a year, but I know it's an important day too. I haven't gotten my mom anything..I think I'm going to write to her in Viet, but I don't know. That's weird...isn't it?

Last weekend on, Keem, and Anna ran half the perimeter at school. We were suppose to run the whole thing, but that didn't work out too well. We jumped a fence too...I literally jumped since I was too afraid of losing balance. I don't remember what else happened this week, but I'm sure many did. I haven't been studying for my AP Exam this Thurs....I really need to, but ugh...I'm lagging on that and my homework cause I'm so focused on volleyball. I've been practicing afterschool with Lesa, Katie, Melissa, Patty, and now Christine too.

Because of that, I'm so sore today...and since I went to the doctor....

blah ill cont. some other time..


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