Just Go With It

Last Saturday, I went to the beach with Betty and that was just an interesting day. Though it didn't turn out as magical as I would have liked at the beach, it was pretty fun with Betty. I tried Joe's for the first time and also for the first time, I took off my shirt at the beach to show my tummy because I was wearing my two piece. It was also my first time taking the car and driving it to where I wanted to and being with a friend and just blasting music. That part, was great. Then we had sushi at Gen ki afterwards which was good too.

I wanted to cry so bad that day and I did shed a few tears, but I felt better after telling Betty. I think I just needed someone to let it all out on because Tasi is so busy with work and Zach. 

Then Monday, we ended up having Gen ki again at Westfield and then sang in the elevator. That was interesting. I kind of miss doing things like that with people. It is always fun to be spontaneous and just have fun. 

Don't really remember what else happened this week, but we got boba on Thursday and that for sure was interesting. I just don't like it when people invite themselves to things....but it happened, so nothing I can do about it. But the interesting part was when we played 10 fingers. Anyway, now it's Saturday and today is the party. I don't expect it to be fun to be honest, but I hope it doesn't get too crazy to where I have to yell at her because I'm doing this all for her, but if she can't respect me, then idk. 


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