For Sang

My hands are freezing. I could never get them to warm up all by myself. If people hold my hand, that's liek the only wayy for it to warm up. When will I get someone like that to do that many times a day?

So for like months (it seems) that you, Sang, have been gone from my life. Ever since you stopped showing up on AIM and stuff...I got really worried, but I remembered what you told me and well I guess I just waited. Cino had talked to me a few times and told me that you weren't coming home around this month. I was like really sad you're like the closest person in the world to me even though you're half way around the world. You know like almost everything about me and I don't even have to lie to you when we talk because you're jsut that awesum. I felt so sad and it was like worse then breaking up with my ex xD. I felt like a big part of my life was missing. Just went away you know? So now I'm here pouring out all my feelings of all those days that I kept to myself. I really did call you a lot. Yeah, I lied just this once cause I didn't wanna seem like clingy? or whatever, but I did call at the beginning, a lot, but I didn't totally lie. Just half-lied. I did stop calling after awhile too cause no one picked up and there was no point since you were going to be gone for so long :l. Sometimes I would do homework and outta nowhere you would pop into my mind.

-sigh- "Wonder what's going on with Sang...I miss him a lot...I hope he knows I do."

Something liek was mostly different each time, but still. I really thought about you a lot. I missed you, your voice, our talks, you just being there for me, and just everything that had to do with you. I was like bored at home and not many to talk to. Life was okay, but it wasn't the same after you left :l I thought about you so much (hahaha sounds like I love you, but I do :] cause how could I not love a great friend like you?)....I never told others much about how lonely I felt cause none of them would understand. Those people weren't as close to me as you were.

So I met this girl named TaylorT...she's a sophomore and she trusts me a lot too. And remember that one guy named Brian that I told you that looked something like you, but not really? I kind of know him now too....and well sometimes when I would hang with them...I tell Taylor a lot of this that she probably is like thinking wth. I tell her...I miss Sang so much...why does Brian have to look so much like him that it reminds me of you. But then I don't think she thinks I'm crazy because she actually askes like "wow, you really miss him? He was THAT big of an impact on your life?"....and well the answer to that is yes and yes. You change my life. ;) I thought that guys were big jerks ever since my first ex...but now that I'm thinking about it. Not every guy is a jerk...there are those many few guys that are like totally awesum. You're one of those awesum guys. You taught me how to not lie to guys because I don't really need to. You taught me how to trust you and to smile with you. Mostly, you told me when we webcammed that you didn't care about how I was more of my personality that you cared and my smile shined more than the that really showed that looks isn't everything. I'm glad that I met someone like you because you make me laugh and you're just awesum..I don't know how to explain. You don't disappoint me and you have amazing looks. A girl would easily fall for you, and honestly, in the beginning...I was totally crushing on you...I don't know if I still do now, but I care so much about you and I wouldn't want anything to be wrong for you. Thanks Sangg for being able to come back early instead of May 1st :] I'm very glad. There's more, but I think it's enough for you. You probably won't want to read so much more xD ahahah hope you like it Sangg! x)

-much love xoxo


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