Quince/Tennis BBQ

Sooo it's been really long since I've wrote....been telling myself to go back on and blog, but always tend to forget xD. So here I am...on spring break, and I'll do a recap on the first ever quince I ever went to and the tennis bbq this week. The quince was really awesome, though I came too early...at like 3 and the party started at 7 - 12a.m. I kinda helped them out with decorating and this was for MariaS's 15th :] so that was really neat. I had to say...mann the place was so cute, even down to the saltshakers and Maria looked stunnin'....no kidding. Like I wish I brought along my camera [which I didn't D:]. Gloria taught me how to "dance like a beaner" ahah..what JonathanC said xD.
Katie and the others didn't come, only Lisa did, but she stayed till 9:30 ish only.....overall it was mucho funn :] &mann...Maria's brother...found out he's like 13? But what the heck, he's a cutie x)....Wish I talked to him more, but oh wells...past is the past. This was on Saturday.
Then on Monday was the Tennis BBQ. I got invited by Gennie to go and it was okay. Mostly, a chill day with friends. I didn't really know much of the people there...well I did, but we didn't talk much so I felt kind of left out since they mostly were into tennis and stuff. We watched a movie and Gennie, Liza, and Annie came late so that was a bit of why I was like feeling left out. Us four went to Rite Aid and got some ice cream :] mmm mmm good xD. Well that's what's happening so far.
My mom got mad at me cause I stayed out for the quince until 11p.m. D:..says I go out too much...but that was only twice :l and I still have to go to school tmr at 12 to help make viet club banquet invitations...then on Sat. there is a Foundation Game for KeyClub that I have to go to at 7-12p.m.....then Jessica's birthday party is on Sunday...but I don't think my mom's going to let me go to all of that :[...I'll hope she does.
Ehhh and I have to finish Wu's final assignment for the Lord of the Flies....D: still working on that...also I need to write an essay for the Project MISS summer school thing. Well out to finish that now.


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