As some of you guys know

As some of you know, I've always wanted to write a book/story...whatever, but I've been so tired so I don't know how I'm going to get anywhere with this. I'm actually really sleepy right now, but I don't want to sleep yet. i'm actually very sad. i don't know why. Actually, I do know why....But it's also more of anger than sadness. I planned to go to the block tomorrow with him and my friends to celebrate his birthday and you's just something nice to do for someone who doesn't really celebrate with friends. WELL MY FRIENDS ARE SO FUCKING NICE. It doesnt seem to matter whose birthday it is, as long as they dont know them that might as well not fucking matter if it was to be nice or not. so last week, we had arguements over moving it and i already said no even though anre said i should go support jenny/trung on the same day. BUT IT'S AT 7 P.M. and you can leave before that to go to your talent show. Why do I have to change it? Sometimes in life, you have two options but you can only choose one to do. LEARN TO DO THAT. Life isn't fair. Plus anre, you're his like close friend...and wow, his birthday doesn't even matter to you? What the total fucking kinda friend are you? You're also the reason why i'm so mean now and i hate cussing and how i am...i just hate being a damn pushover to you and how you're wrong and YOU KNOW IT, but you don't fucking admit your shit, but instead you go blame it on me and make me pissed. Yeah, everyone might think you're being harrassed by me, but honestly...if they stop being rumor listeners then they'll understand. You concieted person. All you care about is yourself and your looks. GTFO.
You and your religious beliefs. Lately in class, we have read Of Mice and Men....I've really gotten into the religious thing. Not that I, a Buddhist, is any better than a Muslim or a Christian or what not, but lately...Anre and like Huu have been really religious that it makes Christians seem almost hateful. That's not a bad thing to be religious, but there's a point to things...a limit. Yeah you believe in do i. You believe he is the creater of our life and our world and that he is the one who takes up our sufferings for us. Did he really? When you're hurt, he's really the one there for you? I'm a realist....and sorry if you guys are going to hate on me for this, I do believe in god, I just don't believe he is the reason for EVERYTHING. I don't believe that in the story....George murdered Lennie...there was so much evidence in the book to even PROVE THAT WRONG. But all you religious ppl just fight to say it's murder b/c that's what you were taught to know in your religion. Yeah, I don't blame it...but when you are trying to prove don't use believes or prove with facts. That's the way for it. God/religion is a belief.

Anyway, so tomorrow the weather channel and stuff says it's going to rain...ugh......I don't want it to rain....So in the morning I changed the block to mon....then outta nowhere during break...they all decide to fucking go on sat. still, but go to main place. OKAY. I don't mind. What i do mind is the fact that jenny tells me......anre and other ppl aren't going. ANRE'S THE ONLY FUCKING ONE THAT SAYS HE'LL GO THEN DOESN'T WANT TO. GTFO. Then she says, I'm not going mon..i'm going should too...Like okay.......seriously? This is my life, i do what i want, and you don't tell me wat to do...would you like it if i told you wat to do? NO, I know you don't. You can go whenever you want....i didn't say you had to go and i didn't say you couldn't go....DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT. SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU BRINGING ME INTO THIS?!? I PLANNED THE WHOLE DAMN THING FOR TONY AND NOW IT'S NOT EVEN FOR HIM...IT'S FOR YOU GUYS...TO HANG...THAT'S ALL. BULLSHIT. I'm so tired of it...I want to go tomorrow, but i bet you my mom won't let cuz it's going to rain...i'm always going to get left out of things and like...I finally proved anre wrong with getting tony to go out....and you guys ruin it. Yeah, main place is indoors, but driving there and then driving home in the dark can be dangerous...esp. for my mom. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS. Katie,  whoever the fuck else all says, so? Its aren't living my wouldn't know..I hate it how my friends are really inconsiderate. Esp. Katie...she askes me for help or vents to me or tells her problems, but when I have a prob...she knows it's bad and she would ask are you okay? OBVIOUSLY NO. but i know she just askes that just to ask...she doesn't care. cuz wen i start to tell her what's wrong...she changes the subject. you might think oh anne stop complaining, but it hasn't been like once or twice..and each time i try...i try to tell like 4-5 times. I DONT LIKE REPEATING MYSELF. and when she's like ignoring it and changing the subject...i can obviously tell how it is. I observe ppl a lot and it just pisses me off how i have like the worst friends ever...while ppl like Michelle and my mentor have the bestest friends ever.


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