New Chapter in My Life.

Let's just say the 16th of November....The day I was single was hurtful, but now it's the 25th? idunno...but I'm getting better. My first priority isn't him anymore....maybe it still is, but now it's school. I passed the benchmark week...very glad because now I don't have to stress over all the shitty hw I have and studying 24/7.
Eng. Benchmark: Adv.
Bio. Benchmark: Adv.
Geo. Benchmark: Adv. [18/18 BITCH! :DDD]
World Hist. H Benchmark: Prof.
Spanish Benchmark...o.o no clue.

Well I'm very very very proud of myself and blogspot is being a bitch that keeps deleting what I wrote sooo gonng sum it up quickly, again. For Sadies, I'll be going with Brian Tran, and hopefully his parents let so that I don't have to ask some other guy there that night.
Then today is Thanksgiving...was suppose to go to the Block to watch New Moon and party with friends at Diane and with my family...but I guess I'm not and my parents decided to go watch 2012 tomorrow at the block. Black friday is tomorrow!...&I'm hoping to go do some shopping...esp. for shoes on my wishlist...then I would have something new to wear to Sadies as well :]....Let it happen to me tmr plz<3.
Well...that's pretty much it now huh?....hmm I just know that I never wished for a new chapter in my life to begin because the one before was so interesting....but it happened, &it happened quickly too :l soo...
Time for everyone to move on I guess..
A new chapter has begun..

p.s. I dyed my hair today :D


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