A wounded heart

Two months and 22 days....never thought my relationship...that I looked forward to THE MOST ended so fast. Ended quicker than the ex I hated the most which was 7 months, about. But anyway, enough about that....I am surprised...I cried, but not as much as I thought I would. Maybe it's because I've already cried so much this month. Idunno, but I know it's not because I don't love him. I do &alot more then like any other person would ever love him...maybee even more then his parents..no not maybee, forsuree I love him more than his parents. No kidding. &I keep my words too....I love him forever &always...and yeah

I won't be able to kiss, have fun, bite or idunno....sitting position...anymore. You're probably like wtf anne?? Sitting position?? Anyway xD...I just will miss that so much...I don't know how I'll do it...but I have to be strong and face the facts that he's just not mine anymore...he could belong to some other girl soon if I'm correct and I wouldn't be able to do that anyway :l. I wish it didn't have to end so soon...I really miss him :l I thought about him everyday so far, even the like 3 days that I haven't been able to talk to him I just kept thinking, and those of you who were with me and I was willing to talk to you about "stuff," you knew how hard it was for me to try and not think about him....I just have him like stuck in my mind >.<...

I wanna keep saying I love you to him you know? But I have to stop cause he isn't mine anymore..Grr...I'm like crying..:(...sooooo...I always will love him no matter what. He'll always be my baby oreo<3. Baby I love you...and I won't keep saying that until after we webcamm....but I have a feeling I'm going to ask a question...which is if I could keep saying I love you, but you take it as I love you...as a friend. I wonder if he lets? If so...I could say it all the time...lol, well not all the time :l but yeah....I hope.

Okay...I'm okay...don't worry peoples >.< I'll be okay as long as he still talks to me and is my first lover. Well....to my baby, when we webcamm...you're going to have to play truth or dare with me. I have like 2/3 questions I wanna ask you....It's more like truth or truth, but w.e.

1. DO.U.S.<3.M?
2. Second question has to do with an essay?? lol It'll make more sense when I ask you.
3. Idk.

-your twinkii alwaysalwaysalways.

p.s. you are all I have...now it's changed.....you were all I had.

p.p.s. Why do I love you so much...I miss you. I want to show you how painful it is...but I don't want to put you through the pain....I have no strength to tell you that it hurts, but just fake a smile and say it's alright when it's not.


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