"Why do you like HIM so much?"

So my friend asked me this. I'm actually kind of stuck on it, but I'll try to answer it as best as I can. BTW we watched She The Man today..it's funny; finishing it on Monday :].

Why I like him so much:
-one of those guys with the nicest/sweetest smile...yes there are those where you just look at them and it's like "wow, he's got it. It makes me wanna smile too."
-he's uber cutee
-sweet as a hershey bar :]
-weird and lamee
-idk..he makes me have this like "feeling" whenever I think about him/am around him
-I tend to feel consious about how I look with guys, but around him...I could careless..like today my hair was like shitt, but then when I was talking to him and stuff...I forget how I look and just have funn.
-I could imagine us being together
-When he told me he was leaving...I honestly cried...when Betty told me [srry Betty] I didn't cry. I only cried on the last day...
-Ever since my last ex...I haven't felt this bubbly feeling until now. I don't want to let it go.
-I like his hugs...I want him to hug me some moree, but I don't know what happened to that.
-He tries to be ninja and tries to poke me all the timee -_-"
-I like to hear his laugh/voice..would recognize it anywhere
-He would look hott if he dressed up, but I still like how he dresses :)
-I like his smell...even if he told Sebastian that I have a weird habit of smelling things. Lol.
-I like his little bear x)...he let me hold it and stuff compared to other people...well, that's what I saw.
-He looks sexy playing tennis LOL no kidd. How he hits, how his racket is. how it goes...how he looked at Tennis banquet (fuck yeah..jk LOL)...and dood, the sexiest thing is how he can hit the ball even when sitting
-I believe he's amazing and talented
-He could play piano and he loves watching anime ^-^

_ _ _ _, this is why I'm still trying to go after him you know? I'm seriously falling so hard for him. It hurts, but at the same time it feels so right. I know I told you that I will stop talking to him and forget about liking him, but it's not the samee. It's not that easy. It's not timee yet. I know people tell me it's not worth it to cry over a guy, but I just feel this connection? I don't want to, but I do. I like him a lot.

There was another question:
"What's your middle name?"

It's Marie :] AnneMariePhung. Pretty huh? xD...I think so. I got it from this woman that helped my mom give a sucessful birth to me. I don't know what you call her in English, but yeahh.

"Join Tennis?"

It's not like I don't want to. I didn't, but Randy [the coach] inspired me to. I wanna do it to lose weight and plus it's funn, but it's money issues and all about time management. Right now...my mom is very sick; might not look like it, but she is. I wanna spend time at homee more.


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