Can I just say

I miss you. I really like talking to you. I don't know if I actually do really like you, but you understand me. You think like me and you listen even though you keep saying it's boring, but last time you told me you wanted to hear about my problems to help me out...but where are you when I really need you. I really needed you yesterday...
I want to see you. He made me think about the day we hung out. You tried on the vest/cardigan and I fell harder. You looked you not know? Just the way you are, but you don't think so....-sigh- You really do....You don't need to dye your hair or anything, but if you really want to then I guess, but I like how you look now even without the money or fancy clothes because I know you're good. You're's just too bad you don't notice that I really like you. You don't notice my efforts because you're so stuck up on your high standards for a girl....You don't need to look anywhere far, just in front of you...and it just sucks because I'm far from perfect....I'm fat, my face is ugly, my hair is dead, my intelligence isn't great, I'm imperfect, but I can make you laugh..if only you noticed. I can make you gifts from the bottom of my heart and notice things that you like...I can earn the money to get you those things.....I just want you to like me back....maybee I'm forcing this, but I don't know. I've never met someone that gets me. I've done online dating with so many boys - it never worked, but it taught me many things. I might have never been on a real date or had a real kiss, but I don't need that right now. I just want be happy. I've had dates, but never with someone I really I don't know how that feels like. I've never really kissed someone with passion...only a peck on the lips, but it was disappointing. ARG. Fudge it. You like the things I I can play piano, violin and I'm trying to get the guitar....that's what you want...wouldn't it be perfect that I teach you those things and we could be like the music couple? Haha....naww, just so dumb of me. I've liked you for quite awhile now and I still haven't told you due to past experiences. I've realized the past relations...I haven't had one for more than a year and that I've never just started to like someone...I only liked them because they sweet-talked me....but you got me to like you. To be honest...DL and JP......I didn't really like DL...I just said it...idky I did, but I did it. And JP....It's a sad story, but it'll never work out and I only liked him because he looked good....I never really understood them, but I'm trying something new....Getting to know the person better then becoming great best friends...that's what I want to do with you. But I keep'll never notice, I'll just be there and even if I tell you like a year won't care. You'll reject me all just the same....but really, the rejection isn't what I fear....what I fear is after. You will ignore me or feel awkward around me. I don't want that at all. I just want....idk what I want...maybee I just want someone to finally like me for who I am and accept it. I want to make a difference in your life. I want to be an exception. The person you can't replace later on...

I can dream as I may for days about you and I, but in the end...I always will have to admit that you are not mine and you don't care. You would never get with me or even think of liking me in the least bit.


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