
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

3. sexual passion or desire.

It can't be defined. These are all good definitions, but nowhere near close. You have to feel it. I just realized that it's harder to say you love someone and actually REALLY REALLY REALLY mean it. It's actually quite difficult. I've been saying it a lot whenever I like guys or date them, and I've always felt like it was love, but it's not. I know now that it's nowhere near close. Love is my mom, my little sister, my dad, my brother, myself. I might not like all the things they do, but I love them enough to forget the bad things they do and still care for them. I just talked to KV about problems of hers and stuff...Yet another person that makes me realize that I don't have it that bad in my life and that I need to keep going. That everything is perspective. Everyone has their reasons of what they do and why they say the things they say. If we don't stand in those shoes to see what it could be like for the would hurt everyone. She's going to talk to her mom right now....hope everything goes well for her....because she really is stronger than me. She can actually rack up the nerve to talk to her.....while I, don't have the audacity, to talk to my mom. I wanted to....ever since the jeans thing, but it seems so long. I can't just say I love you to her. I can't tell her things. I'm not brave. I'm afraid. I hope one day I'll be able to do it day....before it's too late.
This's just like New Years....nothing new. The same old routine. Didn't go to the festival though. Stayed home, cleaned up the house, eat, sleep, be fat. Speaking of which...I watched I used to be fat yesterday with my lil sis and brother. There was this girl that was 5'3 and weighed 185. I don't normally tell people my weigh, but I'm going to put it on here. I weigh 176  the last time my doctor checked. I'm going to the doctors soon to check up for my birthday. It made me think a lot and sad too. I've been eating A LOT. I don't know what I'm doing to myself...I don't know why I can't just stop and go do something active. I'm like afraid of getting out and having people laugh at me. I don't look like I weigh that much, but I know what I weigh. I look good for what I weigh...maybee it's muscles...I tell myself that a lot, but I know it's not. I'm fat. I have curves, but no, I'm fat. I need to lose weight. I might not look like the girl on TV, but I'm her height and I'm near....or maybee even over that weight. If she can lose so many pounds in 84 days....I can do it this summer with about 70-75 days.....but that means I have to exercise everyday for like 4 hrs. I don't know if I can keep pushing myself everyday. It's kind of hard...I need someone to push me.....I need to lose the weight......I wanna be at least 130/140. I want to feel good about myself. Hopefully I can do it, but it's's not only the exercise...I have to talk to my mom to change the way I eat.....and school doesn't help either....stress=food for me. I don't know. I eat, but then sometimes I don't at all. It's all bad habits...I don't know how to control myself. But I will do it.....this summer....a long time from now, but I will do it. I promise myself. Forsure this time. (yea right..-__-).


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