Why is it

Why is it that you HAD TO leave the shit right there? I stepped on it, and it hurts you know? No you don't....-_- and why is it that whenever someone's hurt, I'm ALWAYS fucking there for them? When I'm sad....are they there for me? No. I'm crying and the next thing you know I'm all fucking better because I make myself be okay. I tell myself it's okay, but WHO'S TELLING ME THAT WHEN I'M HURT?? Why can't people just return favors or whatever...be nice? When you fucking people ask for help on homework and such... I HELP. Even when I have a lot of damn homework.....but already, I can tell who's not good friends last week when I forgot my homework in Wu's. Thanks a lot you guys, you are so freaking nice. I swear -_-. Yeah, I might have a few friends here and there that actually care, but it's no good...they don't live near. Kristen lives like 100 miles away..Keem, I don't even know where, my bestfriend....too far to do anything....I don't even want to bother her with her "seems close to really good" life, and guys are just FAKES. They say they'll listen....then where are you when I'm hurt? Nowhere here. Thanks again to know everything's just great.

Then when I say I have a lot of homework. I actually do HAVE A LOT. Unlike others, I may procrastinate, but I put 100%+ in EVERYTHING I do. If I don't, I didn't want it in the first place, but if you see my work...like my journals and projects.....Even I think it's amazing that I could do all that. In APWH, I ACTUALLY READ THE WHOLE CHAPTER(S). Do you know how many pages I've read already? 664 pages. Yeah, it's not that much...like a regular Harry Potter book or something. NO. It's a fucking textbook. A textbook from college. One with font like size 9/10. It's a lot of info. I hate it. But I have to read it. Why? Because I'm not naturally smart like those who just don't read it and finish their homework by copying the notes....I can totally do that. I really can, but you know? I don't learn anything that way. I want to learn. If I don't read the book....nothing makes sense to me....I'm those type of people that have to have it through my head or else I won't understand what I'm doing/saying/working on...and it's just going to make me fail the damn tests I have like every week. EVERY WEEK. Goodbye.


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