Can I just

keep blogging..? I really wanna just keep going on and going about the shit in my life because I haven't done that in a long time. No one cares. No one listens. I tried to speak to my "best friend" and she instantly turned to her problems. Does mine not exist to anyone? What if I needed help because I didn't wanna live anymore? Oh, but that doesn't matter because I didn't even get the chance to say anything much. My other best friend doesn't even give two shits about me because she's so caught up in her life with her boyfriend. Why do girls do that? Have boyfriends and forget about friends? I'm sad. I'm getting depressed. I hate that because I've been through it and I don't want to repeat again, but it's happening....and I'm letting it...I'm letting the past memories get to me again. Please help me...I wish I could just drive already...get away from everyone. Live in a dessert. Have money to build a house in the middle of nowhere. Feel beautiful any day without getting judged. I hate people. I know I'm so negative, but that's only on here. It's amazing what I can do with a smile and being nice to others. They just automatically think that I'm always happy and that I have all the time in the world to do dumb things for people like give them compliments..What happened to me? I had tons of friends...and now it seems like none of them wants to even talk to me. The ones I've consider to be close...What happened? I miss everything...The guy I considered amazing betrayed my friendship. The people I thought would care don't even care to listen when I need them most. They don't even care to hang out...what makes you think they would want to listen to me rant on and on? That's right because no one cares about you Anne...take it in.


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