Last Night

You didn't come on and then I fell asleep on the laptop on accident. I really was tired after all the days of having to stay up late and then wake up early for dance. Sorry to Kristen :P I don't mean to fall's becoming a habit :l. Well I was having a really nice dream and then around 3, I  woke up and realized I had fallen asleep again and so I checked the laptop. You IM'd me like 3 hrs ago. What in the world? Do you expect me to stay up that late to wait for you? Though I kind of would, but I fall asleep too and then you get angry at me for waiting for you or something. If I have nothing to do, obviously I would doze off. Anyway, I liked my dream. First dream that's actually ever good so it kind of evens out the night...just sucks that I always wake up at like the good part of it. I'd try to go back to sleep to dream the next part, lol, but it never happens D:.

to be continued.


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