-Sigh- I think it's been like over 3 years since I've met you. You were my first technical relationship and my longest so far. One year and four could I ever forget? Did you forget? I miss you. I miss what happened and how things were back then...when we were always on maplestory and I didn't have to worry about a thing. I was happy and I knew you were too....there was a moment when I began to lose feelings for you for quite awhile, but I fought through it and I ended up realizing it was just a moment in life...but you didn't really try anymore to show your feelings to me. You were too into your games and such and I just didn't feel it after our like 2nd/3rd time meeting each other...I told you, but I didn't say that I wanted to break up. You got angry at me...and told me you wanted to ignore me for a day perhaps or maybee a month or even a year...I was so angry at the immature reaction that I just told you fine, to be that way and of course that made it official that it was over :P. Now that I look back and have seen what has become of you...I feel so sad. The day I went to go watch Transformers 3...I'm not even making this up, but it's so crazy how I was thinking about you and how you would be there...and that I would see you. I thought I saw someone I knew that day....perhaps your dad? But it couldn't have been. Ah, but it could have been. I shook the thought away, but when I got home...on fb, you cmnted on my status about the movie and you said it sucked lol and that you saw me there...I kinda freaked because I looked ehh considering I just got out of the shower after dying my hair and I like ran there to meet up with make up on or anything...D:, but that's not the point. The point is....I was thinking about you and I felt that you were there, but I didn't know....and you recognized me. Which is sad cause it means I didn't changed :[ (man I am some ugly shit)...and I didn't recognize you because you changed A LOT....cuter/lost your baby face/and you look like kevjumba D:...well in one of your fb pic. Isn't that like crazy? That maybee that one man I saw was your dad..that maybee I even looked at you, but I didn't even know it was you? Fate and life man....crazy things. But now that I think about it...I'm so sad...I know I liked you for your personality, but damn...if you looked like this 3 years'd be my babe lol. Why couldn't you look this cute 3 years ago? Sigh, my loss...I know, but I guess things happen for a reason..and if things are meant to be...then they'll happen. I still kind of want to talk to you, but it doesn't seem like you're so awkward. You give me the shortest replies ever kind of hurts now to know what's actually going on after piecing everything together. I hate when that happens...when you find out stuff you don't wanna know or remember things you've been wanting to forget. You were like a forgotten part of my life that surfaced again...After all those tears during our time together....are you still going to influence me like that...? I think so...cause I really do miss you after reminiscing all this...


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