
So I'm on my period and we go to Target to get me a bigger mirror that SHE CAN'T FUCKING AFFORD years ago so I had to get a small ass one that I don't even reach. She fucking talks and talks and it's the asian thing where they always think you can't hear them and they talk like the fucking world can't hear. I hate it. It attracts attention and hate from people and myself. Then I want to buy a sweater for myself and she doesn't like it. YOU'RE NOT THE ONE WEARING THE FUCKING THING. Then we go to the cash register and we're missing like $2 so I can't buy the sweater...Okay. So we get to putting the mirror in the car, and you put it retardedly so I can't get it out when we go home. I just wanna break the damn thing. Then we bring it to my room and you wanna hang it up already. You take off my glow in the dark stars for no reasons....That pisses me off. You didn't even ask. We didn't even need that spot and you took it off. Fuck mom. What do you ever do right? Then you yell at me and ugh nvm. Fuck it. I'm always wrong


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