I'm not okay. I am NOT okay. Stop thinking that everything is okay. It isn't. Fuck. I tell you what's wrong with me and you turn it into a joke. That's not cool. That's not funny. I hate people. My brain hurts. What's there to even write about anymore..

The thing i don't get about people is they say they'll listen and care and whatever the fuck it is but they dont. they dont answer you when you need it. theyre so happy with their lives....i just dont want to bother them. im a fucking mess. i hate depending on people, but right now i have not even myself. its so sad. im not pitying myself but im fucking hurt and i dont no why? is something wrong with my brain? i dont want to go to therapy because its expensive. i dont want to go to school because every shit is there. i just dont no. i want to just disappear. NO ONE LISTENS.


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