
Second time I will be writing about LGBTs. I don't get why they post EVERYTHING about gays, lesbians, etc. Okay okay. I get it. I support your love, but's like all they think about is sex. Cause all the pics I see are of people doing stuff, making out, etc. It annoys me. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate LGBT, but it just annoys me that every single one of these people post the same shit. No wonder they get labeled. Then on their profiles...they put STRAIGHT, LESBIAN, or GAY. I'm like -face palm-. Don't put it! You're human, get the fuck over it. I think you should just tell someone your sexuality or w.e. you call it to someone you know or askes. I find it dumb that they just label them self. I'm human, you don't see me putting HUMAN in my profile...cause it's just like not needed...okay? So? So maybee you guys should start doing that -_-. And huu tinh, he's gay. I know you're afraid to tell people, but you already are in a way. You don't need 50 fucking likes on facebook to confirm that you're going to tell people cause in your have already made the choice to, but you're just too afraid to do you make up a lame reason to tell the world. You tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about, but for all you know...I could be lesbian, but you don't know that because I don't find the need to label myself.


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