Day 13

My eyes hurt. Well anyway, yesterday night was crazy. I wrote 15 paragraphs for the scrAPESbook for APES. I'm pretty tired and even though I bombed my APES FRQ, I aced my test in Trig. I remember in Trig today, Victoria was like "Anne. He's looking at you" and obviously, as the person I am, I freak out when I'm nervous or under pressure. [lol] So I said, "Don't tell me!.....Wait, just kidding. Tell me!" LOL I'm so cute. Jk, but that was funny. I didn't know why I said that. I tried to ignore it and kept on doing my work, but I realized that I just couldn't stop smiling...Well I mean, I tried to, but then I'd just smile all over again. It felt really nice and warm. I just really liked that fuzzy feeling you get. -sigh-.

But just awhile ago, I showered and cried it all out. As much as I say I cry, I really don't have time for it. It's so hard for me to bring up tears and usually when I do, it's when I laugh too much or when I tear up. I really don't cry cry...until now. It hurts so much. I always like to create scenarios in my mind and it makes it so much more painful. I'm so stressed out and internally tired that I've been putting off a lot of my work and bsing it all. It is so bad because now, I'm not only behind in APES, but APUSH too. I really don't know what to do. I just want summer to come again. I know junior year is the worst, but this is why many kids drop out. It's tough. And great, now I can't stop crying. Tomorrow's my APUSH FRQ and my APES midterm. I'm just so ...I don't even know.

I hate people that rub shit in my face. STFU. Stop it! Do you ever hear me talking about how good my grades are? Rarely. And if I do, I try to be very humble about it. And even then, people take it up the butt. I don't want to brag about it. Why would I need to? People like to hear good things about themselves, but when it's about others, they take it as being conceited. Everything is like so judgmental.

Anne, suck it up and do your homework and study. You've been doing this for weeks, you can do it again. Especially with yesterday.


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