Favorites and Compliments

The essential needs of life. To have favorites in certain things from each person. It quite bothers me, a lot actually, that someone doesn't like me as much as this person. I shouldn't care and yet I still feel jealous. I can't say I'm the only one that feels this. Ever since reading The Scarlet Letter, I've realized that people do have sins and probably all of them are the same or similar. It's just that some are unlucky and have it revealed, leading to punishment and shame. People will always attack them, but never admit that they, themselves, do the same. I have favorites too and yet, I dislike it when people have it over me. Such a greed of the human nature that's totally inescapable.
Unsaid feelings. These feelings are the most devastating feelings that make you suffer. I envy those that have it easy and don't even realize it. I envy how they can just tell their parents they love 'em and then the next minute be so spoiled and rude to them. I would give anything just to tell my parents I love them. I just can't. It's really tough for me, it's like something foreign to me and unknown. I just don't know how to say it. Three simple words. Yet it really hurts me. Unsaid feelings. I just can't tell him how I feel, and I don't plan to. I kind of want it to be words that I don't have to speak, but the feelings are already known. I know this is a big risk, taking the fact that he might never know and I could possibly regret not saying anything, but we'll see. I don't have to say it, I'll just show him. I'll show him how I feel; actions. Will this touch his heart? Will this be the start of something new? I hope so. I really do and I only want him.
Compliments. He tells me I criticize, judge and assume a lot. I agree though. However, I have my reasons why. I criticize so you can improve. I judge because I know you can do better. I assume because that's what your words are telling me. I don't intend on doing it to hurt you. I would never want to do that. If you know me, I like to make people smile. I love the fact that I can be the reason why someone is happy. I give out a lot of compliments to people, telling they're cute and what not. All of it is true, but I think you can really tell when my words are 110% real. I say it real slow or I really think about what I want to say. Every word is real, and I find it hard to give compliments where I actually really like it. I think this is why I criticize. I think that's my way of saying I know this is good and I know you can make it even better. I look at your art and I said it resembled a pig even though it's a wolf.  I don't mean to offend you in any way, I was just giving my opinion. I really wasn't criticizing it, but if that's how you see it, okay. I can't judge the art if you aren't finish. And I know that when you're finished, it's not going to just look good as many other people say it does. "It's really good!" I don't want to be other people. I don't want to be just another person in your life that will probably walk out. I want to be special. I want to be special and different to you. I think your art is amazing. It's not just good, it's beyond that. For a guy, you're pretty artistic. I really like that. You have a tough side and a soft (yet hidden) side. I think your drawing is amazing, I love the fact that you seem to just show me it. I may not smile or say anything at all about it like today, but I really admire it. Other girls were complimenting you and you probably liked it. You also were probably waiting for me to say something, but I never did. I think when you're done, I'll tell you what I think. I don't just want to say it's "good". I don't want to be just "good". I know it's weird, but I have a hard time describing how I really feel about things. It's just me even though people expect me to be able to since I'm good in English. The irony of that. As much as I try, I can never pinpoint what I really feel about anything.
Would it be too soon if I said I'm falling? I don't think I am. I hope I don't. I don't want to get hurt...again. The pain of being hurt scares me and the memories I keep stop me from doing what I actually have potential for.

Does she like you the way I do?


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