10/10 Katie's House

Today was totally epic. You know why? Because we went to the park to play freeze tag XD and then catch with a water bottle. Then afterwards we were going to go back to Katie's house, but on the way back we saw those people that sell corn/snow cones/etc. The woman just like passes us and we're all like "I'm hungry! I want corn!..." blahblahblah, but she doesn't hear us. We didn't call her back because we don't have money and that's kind of rude to waste her time and not buy anything. So like the woman selling corn was already about 2 blocks away then we decide to tell Katie to get $10 from her mom or grandma since her house is like right there. Then me and Diana ran to stop the corn woman xD and Katie finally got the money. We're all running like mad after some corn, ditching Lisa xD. Diana &I didn't know what to call that lady so we were like "Stop! Come back! Wait, no!" She didn't hear us until she crossed the street -__-" lol. So much running....good exercise XD. Lol &then finally we got our corn....Katie, Diana, Nancy, and Karen....me and Lisa didn't. Then we're going back to Katie's house, but we stop at the corner before you turn into her street. Across from that corner on the other side, this house was having a birthday party for a girl named Christine. There was guys over there and they threw a coin at Lisa and stuff &then even cussed at us. We got pissed and Diana joked around kind of saying "IF YOU DON'T STFU, IMA SHOVE THIS CORN UP YO ASS!!" Ahaha it was soo funny :]....but Diana wanted revenge so they took a Victoria's Secret bag...the pink ones and put the corns that they ate in it...then put hotpink tissue paper on top of it. Wrote Happy Birthday Christine from Joe, Nick, Kevin Jonas &put in an empty candy box.....then at 6ish we ding-dong-ditched the house and left the bag of "gifts" near their back door. It was frickin scary cause we didn't want to get caught. I feel so bad for the little girl that was Christine, but sucks for her cause her cousins or something threw things at us and cussed at us for no frickin good reasons.

So anyway that was pretty epic, and that whole time at Katie's....mostly we were karaoking &being fattys by eating junk food XD.....

Hmmm I'm so tired right now...I've been tired a lot lately, but I gotta stay awake because for 3 straight nights already...I haven't gotten to talk to my baby oreo on the phone...and like the whole day today I didn't get to even talk to him AT ALL. So I miss him a lot, but I just called him before....he didn't pick up so I hung up after the third ring...I didn't want to leave a msg...because I didn't know what to say that was new other then I love you or I miss you....but that's really how I felt, so yea...Then a few seconds later....he calls back :] but we don't talk for long...because he has to go, but he promised he'll call me back an hour later.

So I'll wait for him...no matter what because I wanna hear him badly, &I miss him a lot...no kidding; He might say that he misses me more, but he could of called, but he didn't so yeah. I bet I missed him more because every little thing I do, reminds me of him &it hurts because I know he's not there &he doesn't miss me enough to actually dial one number. I would have called, but I knew he was busy &I didn't wanna bother him until like now...grr >.< I miss my baby oreo so much >.< &then my "used to be so close" friend JL...he like barely talks to me...I'm not even sure if I'm considered a friend to him now and if like he even still wants to talk to me and stuff and hear about my other crappyass friends. I kind of miss him too &I feel JEALOUS, of his new friends that get to talk to him everyday...I mean like we used to talk about absolutely almost anything &call each other like 24/7...now it's like I see no calls from him....I expect it, but not anymore really...and our chats together are so frickin boring; replies consists of like 2/3 words....Idunno for sure about all this not calling/talking stuff, but that's how I feel...that I'm being left...

Tired now, going to go and wait for that one person to call....hopefully he will and not leave me hanging<3 Hasta Luego. Goodnight.


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