I'm so sorry

I really don't mean to make you sad. I want you to be happy...I shouldn't have been so harsh :l because I really know that I miss you...I only told you to sleep because you haven't slept much since of all the problems, but I really wish I could talk to you tonight..>.<....these weeks, I've just been through so much....

Pretend you were me. Pretend that you get like stress from school and so so much homework. Then you bomb two of your world history honors quizzes. Then you have family problems as well as love problems. You come home &you're stuck with the one you love on your mind because they haven't talked to you in days &there's just things that they've been doing that's caused you to suspect them. Later, you have to show your parents your bad history quiz scores &your mom is like bitching at you. THAN your loved one tells you they also like someone else......

that's my whole effin week. &you know....I do trust you my baby oreo. I really really do. It's just that NO real woman/girl likes to know that their boyfriends like someone else...even if it's just a tiny bit >.<. No one wants to share their loved one...forreals. I don't want to lose you &I don't mind anymore, but it just hurts. I really do honestly trust you, I hope you know that. It's just a matter of jealousy and maybe some other things that I cannot explain, but I trust in you...&if you don't believe I do, ask me. Ask me about what I talked to sang. I was worried about you for days and I thought you were going to cheat on me and leave me or something, but when you signed on today &you just said "i love you &I would never leave you." I knew I could trust you. I know I can. I love you....you're the one I need most D:....do you know that?....-tears-....I only have you that I can fully trust in so please, don't leave me like in those terrible nightmares I've been getting again. I trust that you wouldn't do anything with whoever you suddenly like now.....I just don't want you to leave me.

This is the proof that shows I trust you:

"u no.. i was gonna ask u something, but im pretty sure i dont have to now ;D." -anne; on aim.

&this is how much I miss/love you:

"u no wen u didnt talk to me for sooo long, i felt like my heart was missing a huge piece, but now its all better."

I miss you so much I could have called you already if it wasn't for the stupid long distance thing....back to hw :l goodnight..


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