Homecoming Game 10/02

Yesterday was the Homecoming Game at GGHS with GGHS's football varsity team against SHS's football varsity team. Well....before we start with that, I'll tell about my day...if I could remember what happened. So yesterday was going pretty well. I wore purple because every Friday you're kind of suppose to, to show your school spirit. Uhmm then in Biology I got moved to like the frickin back right corner of the room. Not cause I was in trouble, but because the guy that sat there talked a lot so since I was "quiet," Ms. Nguyen moved me there. Then 3rd was free swim which was pretty awesome, but I was tired....Uhhh &in geometry we had a quiz...I'm pretty sure I got 100%, but let's see. History was actually interesting &I have to listen carefully now since the last test...I don't wanna bomb our group test again so yea..&&In spanish I got kind of closer to this guy so now we're friends :D &his name's Stephen o.o I think he's like a Sophomore haha forgot already.

Then afterschool we kind of had a little party because Christy brought food for Nancy, but it looked like Nancy didn't want it so we just threw a party for ourselves....uhmm let's skipp the boring stuff.....so then I'm at home &I go on AIM to see if my baby oreo was on....but he wasn't so I got off after like waiting 20 mins. Then I went to shower, eat, &got ready for the game. By 6:20 p.m. my dad already is parked in front of Grove, &I had to sit in the car and wait for like Tasi to get there, but she took "forever" because she was waiting for a friend since she's giving her &Melissa &Victoria a ride. So I waited then 6:30 came and I walked to the auditorium and later I saw Lauren :D. Haha, omg, I haven't seen this chick in like forever. Missed people there at GGHS like a bunch. Uhmm then when it was like near 7, Tasi FINALLY came -__-" If I didn't see Lauren...I woulda been sooo lonely for awhile. Then, we got in and bought the ticket for like $3 &inside we saw like soo many new faces and people from Walton. I saw like Josh, Robert, lol..Let's just say mostly guys because well...It's a football game xD. I missed these dorks so much, especially like Josh in AVID...haha, missed being their tutors &getting called Ms. Anne XD. -sigh- so the night was pretty well, but effing SHS's varsity football team sucked D: Like wtf....aren't they suppose to be VARSITY? Gosh, haha I got like so pissed cause they missed like the ball by like a mile or something and well...the last time I saw the score it was 25 to 7...>.> So sad....&the cheerleaders wouldn't shut up...lol...they kept repeating the same thing over and over; get's annoying. So SHS lost probably, but Idunno cause I had to leave at like 9:15, but the game was still going on. Well that game was pretty sad ahah and like right when it was 9 p.m. I kept looking at my phone.

Why? I wanted to see someone call me, but it didn't happen :l. I was just like starring at my phone a lot, and I kept thinking about him.....Grr anyway, well the others that were with me were like going crazy with candy/rocks throwing it at MB....sucks a bunch for him. Then when I finally got on AIM, I saw my baby oreo on so I said hii? it took forever for him to reply and I thought he was still mad at me from yesterday. I was about to sign off when he finally replied >.<. Let's just say I cried AGAIN...because of my whole damn week has been so terrible &then he thought I was trying to push him away...I don't want to do that...why would he ever think that? I just wanna know why he would even love me. It seems like I AM undeserving of him, but I love him &I want him so so much. Like Kristen said....I'm hooked onto this one person like a frickin drug addict....it's really hard, &every little thing that's said...matters. &If it's something hurtful to me...all I know is I'll break easily like glass...&then like he called me after I was going to go to sleep after talking to John....I was crying the WHOLE time on the phone with him...he didn't notice or know until I had to tell him. I just...I really don't know >.<. I miss him a lot...but he seems to be so busy. He doesn't listen to me much on the phone...I could hear him typing and stuff...he says he misses me....sure I guess...he says he loves me....really? why don't you prove it in a way that no one else can....why do you say that, but you make me feel like you don't really care....you probably don't read this shitt anymore &I just wanna hear you play a song on your piano for me live, but you can't even do that yet...I really don't know.... I just know that I love him. Well, that's all for now...byebye.

Add on at 3:31 p.m.

Hmmm I don't think I'll be going to the Moon Festival at Westminster Civic Center afterall because my dad seems to be busy and my mom probably won't take me. So my day will be pretty boring &I should study for my biology test on Monday and practice my spanish/jerking/cwalking. Then tomorrow at 7-4 I have to go to Santiago for the OCC book fair...well get a ride there to help out for Key Club....Lol I don't really want to help cause it's like at 7 so I have to wake up extra early to get ready...well byebye; I'll write more later.

I love my baby more, always.


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