Ayer Y Hoy

Title: Yesterday &today.

Anyway, well yesterday was Saturday of course and my baby finally read my blog :]
Bad thing though was he got sad afterwards because I wrote somg really "deep" stuff about him. I was hurt, I still am frankly, but I don't want him sad. I'd rather be the one sad >.< because I love him a lot. Well then I waited the whole night to see if he would call, but he was "busy" and he didn't so I felt like I shouldn't disturb so I didn't try calling either. So I finally went to sleep at like idunno 11? 12? But I couldn't because I wanted to leave him a voicemsg...well mainly to hear his voice....so I dialed his number and I waited to leave a msg but he picked up :] So I got to hear him for awhile before he made me go to sleep because on Sunday [today] I have to wake up at like 5:30 a.m. and get ready/eat then go to the OCC Book Fair &help out for Key Club. I thought waking up at that time was crazy and I didn't really want to go, but then I did and well it was funn :] I met new people. Made new friends. Got involved &even got 2 new shirts. Uhmm and to get there, I had to ride in a car with 3 other guys in KC too and also on the ride home. It was pretty awesome, like we got a lot of free stuff xD &mostly we played around. Like our president for KC, Jorge, he got like a stamp and marked us everywhere xD. &he even got like tatoos putting it on Christina and on his leg...lmfao that was like hilarious! because the thing got stuck to his leg hair which looked sooo gross xD. Omg, then there was these dogs there that could play soccer and you could like go and play soccer against them, that was like soo frickin cool :D; Uhmm then when we left around 2ish, we waited for Jorge's brother to come pick up me, him, Daniel...and uhmm the other guy ["football star"] ahah I forgot his name >.<. Oh wells, anyway, we were at the front of the fitness place there and we played 13 xD. So azn...then we drove back to Santiago which was also funn cause we were all getting to know each and stuff. They kinda teased me and Daniel D: Not cool. Anyway after that, was sooo tiring....but I got home and I ate. Then I saw my baby oreo on AIM x], haha that means I get to talk to him! Because I miss him like a heck of a whole lot >////<. We got kinda bad....lol "kinda" or "A LOT." &he frickin called me in the middle of it too >.< Lol....ruined my moment XD cause obviously it's weird over the phone like I've said like a million times. Well I was really in a good mood, but then somehow we got to talkin about my birthday...then it kind of crashed because he didn't remember my birthday and he even thought it was like in april D: Well I think I'm okay...I'll get over it. Bye now..


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