Second Anniversary

Today is two months....but why am I so afraid...?
I'm so scared >.< I'm suppose to be happy today. I was. &you know, I trust him 99.9%, but there's that .1% where it's not possible. It's not like I don't trust him....but there's just a disadvantage for me. The disadvantage is that I can't be with him. I don't live near..

It's not fair....Why can't I live near him..? :(....It's so cruel. All the girls that live or are close to him have a better advantage to doing things to win him....and I wouldn't know one bit. It sucks. Even if I tried to get's really hard for me.

Well..everything was fine...but then I thought back to when my baby told me that he liked someone a bit. Just A BIT. So what?...that's still something right? I started to think about that, and questions just flooded my head. I'm so afraid.....I just wanna know....Does he still love me?

Does he mean it everytime he says I love you to me?

Am I not the only one in his heart...? Or am I his only love?

Will he promise not to hurt me...and promise to tell me everything even if it hurts? Like tell me if he likes someone else....because I could always back off for that girl since he loves her....if that makes him happier...because I would think that he loved me a lot...and if he loves someone else enough to leave me...that shows I wasn't good enough....

Please answer all my questions honestly ADL..>.<

I love you...

It hurts :'( are the one I love the most....the most important person to me, my everything....I really have never felt this way and I hope this relationship are the best I've ever had so far...I don't want to lose you....


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