Last Night

It's been quite awhile since I've written something nice/funny so let's start again today :]

So yesterday I was really happy because FINALLY I get to talk to my baby oreo again. Even thought it's been like four days straight that we really haven't talked....he's been grounded for like one week + another + a month and even though it hasn't been all the days that he's kind of adds up to like 3 weeks without really talking to him that much. I was literally smiling when he was on, haha, but then I got all pissed at him. Idunno if he noticed, but I was saying, "Uh huh...sure...ok..." a lot. Then I told him why he was making me pissed/sad....because I haven't talked to him in along time >.< &I couldn't call him that night. Also, cause at first he told me he was home ALONE like with no one, then he tells me he has his little brother with him and such later on....makes me feel like Did you just lie to me? But anyway he quickly said I gtg &signed off. I didn't even get to say bye so I was like :O.....oh wow fml. Later, I realized he went off to call me....cause obviously he called right when he got off like 7 times, but I rejected it all because he told me he couldn't talk to me &he might get in trouble. The way I took it in seemed like he was telling me he didn't want to talk to me so I kind of took it the harsh wayy.

I was just writing my autobiographical essay's title, my name, date, &period when he I just decided to get off the computer because my mom started to stare. My phone was like constantly vibrating xD and I just kept rejecting it. So I did get off &went in my room. I was going to wait for him to call again, but it took too long [even though it was only one minute] &I called him instead. I called and I quickly said stop calling me blahblahblah right after he said hello. xD Gosh, we were like arguing over the phone about me wanting to hang up on him since he said his throat hurts &all. I found it really cute/funny &I like giggled a lot because he's like trying to get me not to care about him so that I wouldn't hang up. But I DO care about him so much &he dared me to hang up, which I did xD.

He called back anyway x) and he's like threatening to kill me and beat me up and throw me in the woods XD. (See how mean my baby is to me?? xD he's going throw me in the woods &if you don't see me one day, you'll know what happened to me) Rawrr :) I was like arguing back, saying I would hang up, but I ended up talking to him for like a whole hour on the phone &in the end I still tried to hang up just to hear him say NOOO don't leave me or something like that. >.< He was just too cute :] when he says that, so I kind of took advantage of that xD. Then later he really had to go....I didn't really want him to go off even though I was making him. So I hung up first before he could say the last thing he wanted to say to me because I was kind of tearing up. Only because I wanted to talk to him some more even though it was like already 11 p.m. I didn't cry so I'm all good x). Then a few minutes later....more like a few seconds XD I called him again >.<, and I made up an excuse, asking if I could call him tomorrow morning. We argued again xD, but it's not like those arguements where theres so much cussing and you can feel all the tensions. I remembered there was a part where we got quiet &I giggled because he was just sooo adorable! >/////< Then I forgot what happened afterwards, but he hung up.
Gosh x), I love that feeling....being with my baby oreo....being so comfortable with him.

Also, I earned two WEIRD-ASS nicknames this week :]
1. Harbor [pronounced: HA-bor]
2. Dork :D

How did I get Harbor? Well the other day during lunch time at school, I was talking to Keem, Anna, Betty &Brian and Keem asked Betty what she wanted to do when she grew up. Outta nowhere she points at me and says I am a prostitute. xD I was like wtf When did I become this?! Eventually they said I worked on "Habor" &that's also like a street name here too XD so we're just like listing streets on where I "work." Therefore, I got stuck with Habor aka Harbor xD.

Dork? lmfao :] it's a cute nickname I guess, that I got from my baby oreo, but look it's definition up in the's not so cute afterall xD, funny though :D

Well...I should go and stop procrastinating and do my stupid essay now that's going to be due on Tues. Byebyee :]

OH and Banh Beo for the Vietnamese Club people that payed tomorrow at 8! :]


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