I said the wrong thing..

Well it's passed nine....I should be asleep I guess :l...
But I feel like crying..and here comes the tears >.<... Through tears, I'll tell you my day....I've been having it pretty rough this week starting on Wednesday...Swim makes me soo sore; do you know that? No. First I get detention for forgetting my book...then I forgot to ask back my biology hw that I let my friend borrow so I couldn't turn that in...today, I forgot my Geometry book at school. Well actually, I went to detention afterschool for the tardy thing. From Lisa &Betty, I found out that you have to make up your detention anyday EXCEPT Friday, but Mr. Kammerzelt told me that I had detention ON Friday so I was planning to go this Friday....guess what? If I didn't find out...I would have been in more shitt >.>.....Isn't my life great?

So I was like really pissed...I have to go again Monday because I didn't have my ID with me when I was tardy...so yea...30 mins after school on Monday too.

Then today....it the FIRST DAY I actaully got lunch at SHS. I have always been hungry and eat at home after 3 p.m. because the line's too long....&my mom thinks I'm a pig and all and I just love to eat >.>...not really if you understand what I have to go through.

Then just now I think....no. I know that I said the wrong thing. When my baby said he loved me a lot...I said "no you dont." And you know...I'm sorry...I don't mean to hurt you >.< but it's just that I've been going through a lot of crapp this week and it's not been good at all for me....it's not been my week at all...I've just been feeling that you don't seem to notice me much anymore. Last time on the phone, I heard you typing and I thought you were listening so I said something, but you never repled. Why? Because you obviously didn't hear what I had said....>.<. Then....last time you asked me if I've blogged yet after the blog for our anniversary....that kinda hurted too because you obviously haven't checked my blogs &you probably won't read this one for a long time from now so oh wells I guess... Well if you do eventually read this...I'm sorry >.< I never want to hurt you....I'm really sorry...

ugh I hate crying >.< I have no one to hug or a shoulder to cry on in California.....where are you when I need you? :,(


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