Life's Good

Oh my gosh :] finally I get to sit here with some free time and blogg again....been sooo long since I've like blogged xD haha. Well everything's been good. I'm keeping up with my grades, getting all A's. However, I need to pick up my work in AP world history....&it's been so tiring. Today was Cook Day for Vietnamese club afterschool which was totally funn because we made egg rolls. Betty went but she had to leave early, and Jenny/Ryan were there. Met more new people :]....&hey ANNE LEARNED TO COOK EGG ROLLS :O
that's awmazing :] I didn't know I could even make egg rolls lmfao when I can't even cook good rice. Uhmm &also I'm just so tired. I am not planning to write much because I'm pretty tired. BTW, cooking is scary; you could easily cut yourself >.....Anyway well I'll go and finish some hw and then practice my c-walking then the spongebob.

I miss my baby oreo soo soo much....I haven't gotten a nice long decent talk with him on the phone so far >.< argg...hopefully tonight...but I'm getting sleepy XD

uhmm and well I find people sooo's soo hilarious...they practically CUSS at someone, but really...if you think about it. They're actually talking about THEMSELF....talking shitt on themselves without knowing it. How sad. :P

Well goodnights everyone.


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