I dedicate this damn post to you

Dear to the bitch of the bitches.
I usually don't get angry so much, but lately it's been off the roof and into the sky. I fucking hate you. I don't know why everything I hear has you in it. I wish I could just say all of this and it would be on here because I'm so frustrated that I can't type correctly and I have to keep deleting stuff to retype. YOU ARE SUCH A BUSY BODY. I SWEAR. All the shit that you did to me? Don't you think that's enough to last you a fucking life time? DAMN, I guess not...it's not enough that you have to go ruin more lives. Not just mine, but your closest friends. Those seniors that you hung out with freshmen year, ditching us for them. Then last year with Annie and shit in the tennis courts. Now Belynn and Jackie. Are you fucking me? Seriously? Going to date a close friend's ex boyfriend? Then telling Belynn that Jackie was spreading rumors about her? NO BITCH. I know what goes on because almost everyone tells me...like literally everything. I know Jackie wouldn't say that Belynn's a homewrecker. I don't even know why Belynn wouldn't even trust me or a close friend. She would rather trust rumors from just casual friends...and you know how rumors are. They become like the game Telephone. Fuck, how stupid can one get to not understand that rumors are just rumors and nothing, but a bunch of lies by the time it reaches another person? The nerve you fucking have mann....I didn't even mention about before how you fucked up your relationship with Annie and then stole her tennis racket. I know those rackets cost like over 100....I know it cause I used to be there everyday in freshmen year and played with the seniors/juniors....who have now moved away. Tennis used to be so connected, nice and friendly, but now it's just a bunch of bitches and fakers. Literally. I know like almost every one of them on that team years ago and like....They have all changed and become fake. How? They all laugh alike...they talk/have the same/similar personalities. You have done so many shit that I don't even know where to start and where to go from to tell it to people. I don't even like talking about you cause you're so good at faking shit that like everyone believes you. They don't believe me and it makes me so damn mad because YOU FUCKING STUPID PEOPLE WOULD RATHER BELIEVE A BITCH THAT HITS PEOPLE AND LIES than ME. You can tell when I lie. It's so damn obvious. I laugh and smile and shit. But her? Omfg, it's pretty obvious too...she just uses fear to fucking control you. Damn, you don't even know the hate I have for you. I mean I have like my Black List where I just don't like these people, but over time, I'm okay with them or I don't talk to them anymore. I don't hear about them anymore, but you?! Seriously?! Gurl, you get fucking around. I hear you every few months/weeks. It's all bad shit. I never hear about something good. Why won't you do something good? Why do you love attention so much? Why do you like making people feel less than shit for you? Why don't you fucking appreciate what you have and stop comparing yourself to others that actaully do have it worse than you? You make those people that have it worse feel guilty for talkin about their problems. How do I know this? You fucking used that same damn technique, but you know what? I never yelled at you. I always talked it out with you because I'm a passive person. I should yell at you. I shouldn't say it's okay to your sorries. I shouldn't be the one that has to go to talk to you when YOU want to talk to me. I shouldn't have to SAY SORRY because it's not my fault. I shouldn't have to feel sorry for myself or for you. I shouldn't have to feel like your problems are worse than mine BECAUSE THEY FUCKING AREN'T. You said you had cancer. I'm not cursing you to die, but why aren't you? Cancer doesn't last that long babe. You don't live that long. It spreads really fast. You're such a lie. I don't know why I was so ignorant, but I can't help it. I was a kid. I believed that the world was good and that I still thought that anything good can come from people and people do change for the better. BUT NO. YOU KNOW YOU TAUGHT ME THAT PEOPLE CAN'T CHANGE. SOMETIMES THEY JUST GET WORSE. SOMETIMES THEY BECOME BITCHIER. SOMETIMES THEY MAKE UP SHIT SO THAT THEY CAN HAVE SYMPATHY TOWARDS THEM. That is fucking pathetic. That is ridiculously pathetic. You are a sad girl. I hate pity, but you know what? I pity you. I don't actually blame myself for being ignorant because I was a kid. I didn't know better, but you made me realize all of this. You brought me up. You made me grow up. You made me stronger and yeah, I don't liek it that I cuss and that I am meaner, but you know what? I'm never going to be as cruel as you.


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