
Because I'm tired of being normal. I'm tired of jumping on the band wagon, so from now on...I can do key club/etc., but my focus will change. I won't be focused on the daily doings that others are interested in, but what I am interested in. I want to inspire people. I want to rise from below and be a change. How to change? First, I start with myself. Then I want to make my life better. Then my brother's and sister's and then my family....to reach out to others, no matter who it is. Doesn't matter at all. Then to finally reach him. If not, I will continue to help others. I promise myself one day, I will get big. I will travel the world. I will go to Africa and help the kids and teach there. I want to fight for everyone's rights and have the world in freedom. I want a place where every ethnicity and sexuality is accepted. I know I can do it. I know I can. I won't care if people hate me. I will have haters and I will hate a few. But I don't care because I am standing up for myself, and that doesn't make me a bitch. It makes me true to myself. I have my reasons for my hate and if you think about it...it's pretty bad when I declare that I hate you. You didn't just screw up once, but probably way more then 5 times. Maybe I can't travel the world right now like my friends, but it's okay. I will one day. I know it. It's my dream goal.


Anonymous said…
you inspire me! :) for reals. you don't need all those people that think you're a bitch. i know for sure you are nothing close to one. and if i call you one, it's all out of joke. 'cus you're sweeter than candy. you're there to listen and help me thru my problems. i love and appreciate it. you're really intelligent and bright. i'm not sure what i would do without you. you & i, we're different in many ways, but we both got each other thru thick & thin. (: forgiving and forgetting is probably the hardest thing in life to let go of. but it's easier to look on the bright side. ;D you've got christee in your life! hehee. j/k. i wanna make a blogg now. x)
Anonymous said…
we need to have our day. LOL. just let loose, go wild. and eat. alot. :D mhmhmhmhmhm.

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