Can't Stop

Heard this song just this morning and describes exactly what I can't do..

Soo Turn Up the Speakers &Listen :P
Well last night at 8, was suppose to celebrate my baby oreo's birthday with him, but I guess he was too busy to go on at the right time. I felt stood up &many people from Walton last year knows how I get like when that happens. I hate it. Makes me feel I talked to Vincent about this when he came on. He didn't help much :l, instead he totally debated me and like said that maybe he had his reasons so I should call and find out. What I was thinking was...calling a bunch of times makes me seem desperate >.> and other reasons, but I didn't say cause he's a guy...he won't understand how a girl feels. Girls over-complicate things....remember that &we expect a lot too. Anyway, I called in the end after it was almost 10 p.m. &he was playing maplestory...Kinda hurts you know? Even if I wasn't that important to my baby oreo anymore..shouldn't I be more important than a game that my younger brother is addicted to? But I guess not. Also hurts because I waited for him...I know my baby oreo pretty well that he'll forget or won't do things, but I still trusted that this is HIS birthday &he'll want to celebrate it with someone who was once special. I guess I was wrong? Idunno.
Then he went on AIM and later I webbed for him, but it wasn't spectacular...wish I could have made it even more special for him because I knew he hasn't had really great birthday celebrations in the past. People thought I was like trying to hook back up with him, but I'm not...he's my friend and he deserves to have a birthday celebration. Well it's just hard over webcamm, hopefully today I could make it up, but I have no idea what to do &nothing to give him...Well I do, but why would he want it anyway? So yeah..
Then I made him go to sleep cause it was like 1 A.M. for him already, but he stalled -__- lol and went to watched Bleach...Oh wells. When I went off my laptop, I called him to check up on him, but yeah, he's too stubborn to go to sleep yet, haha. Gosh I miss that voice :l Then he sang Away From You &I almost cried cause I remembered how he used to sing to me back then too :l, but it was really cute >.<....Then he went and read my blog telling me it's gonna make him tired. Lol I got pissed cause that's like telling me it's boring -_- shouldn't read it then if it's boring dear. &he got to the formspring part about the always, forever, and never...Tears came >.> but I'm good, didn't bawl out....Now it's morning and I slept, but I still feel veryveryvery tired..I always feel so tired nowadays :l
&&listening to this one song this morning...I wish I knew why I'm addicted to my baby oreoo or VT. It sucks. Hopefully I can work my magic again?


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