

  • It's winter break and I'm sick
  • It's winter break and no travelling far to go D:
  • The guy I like doesn't like me, o wells
  • I suck at c-walking
  • I suck at being patient
  • I'm hungry
  • Fattiee D:<
  • Kristen isn't visiting me
  • Anthony barely talks to me now
  • I'm not going to get my Christmas wish that I wished for :l
  • CD/KN pissed the fuck off me
  • There's a girl named kellyT....why so concieted?
  • Biology cornell notes
  • My hair is sooo UGHH
  • Haven't been able to go to B&G's club to learn those guitar lessons....gonna really try to go when school is back in session again.
  • School year is almost over...year's zooming by :[
  • Getting older in like 2 months
  • John doesn't talk to me anymore like we used to...speak of the devil o.o [he just IM'd me xD]
  • No more late night phone calls with my S.A. :l
  • Betty's moving soon..
  • My voice is like gone...can't sing for now
  • He seems harsh now >.<
  • My friends are so inactive at times
  • I don't wanna go ice skating and hit the walls like a bunch of times like Jeff did or get bruises.
  • My grandma went really azn on us this year for Christmas...
  • It's so gloomy outside
  • I'm so broke D:.....can't buy the guitar/shoes/clothes/etc.


  • Jordan might be coming this Sunday to visit me :]
  • Sang likes the drawing of him x]
  • Winter break isn't so bad...went to Pho Fun Night, Katie's house, had lots of fun, photostickers for the first time :D
  • Doctor's acne thingyy works!
  • Trying to c-walk for BMK....really trying but impatient with myself D:
  • No homework/school for two weeks
  • Don't have to wake up at 6:20 A.M. for two weeks
  • Haircut?
  • New years &Christmas
  • Staying up for Christmas with Sangg :]
  • Dark circles treatment?
  • 2010 :D
  • turning 15 soon, then in Aug...I can try to drive^-^
  • Friends to the end; bffs
  • going to try and focus more on school/jerking/tutting/c-walking/hardstyle rather then on boysboysboys.
  • I want to get a job this summer and start working so I could have money to spend.


1. What do you think about guys??
Uhmmm...they can be really sweet/cute/funny and I don't really like guys by looks..more by personality. They could be like the perfect guy, but there's always the lying and idunno..that other part that I don't understand about them that makes me frustrated.

2.Did you really just make your dragon for the IRP all by yourself? or with parents help?
I made every part of the dragon by myself, no lies.

LOL why thank you :], but I'm not sure how I'm suppose to answer that sooo I'll do the best I can. Well girls don't like wrinkles right? Soo I heard that taking vitamins every night before you sleep really helps &drinking water everyday...both good for your skin. Uhm..and I don't really use make-up...I like the more natural look :D so I guess...just be yourself :]

4.hi anne! wanna cum over??? LOL
You know I'd love too...except for the fact that "it's too far" stops me from going D:


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