New Years Resolution list

Well it's New Years eve....gonna stay up tonight to watch the NY Time's Square thing on TV like last year...alone again xD oh wells though. Someone's going to call me tonight at 12? Lol, I think it's Diane, but not sure though...&I'm going to be calling Sang, John [maybee], Duy, Anthony, and idunno whoever comes in mind when I feel like it to tell them Happy New Years. Then when it's New Years for me...I'll make a buncho wishes like last year....Wishes + Resolutions :)
Anyway here goes:
  1. Lose a lot of pds....or at least stay fit xD
  2. Meet new people..."good" ones
  3. Learn to play piano/guitar by the end of 2010!
  4. Get straight A's for this school year
  5. Be a better person, but not changing for the worst.
  6. Master c-walking/tutting/jerking/etc...except I probably won't do this xD
  7. No more online dating period &that goes for Betty too...we made a deal-promise.
  8. Less computer time, more learning, less procrastinating, finish HW faster, more time to do things I wanna do.
  9. Stretch for Drill Team next year &maybe go for Secretary of Viet Club.
  10. Be more active in Key club xD
  11. Stop being so damn jealous...not of friends, of guys.
  12. If things are meant to be secret, don't be so curious...truth hurts.
  13. Friend once told me: God gave you, you...shouldn't hate yourself for how you are...but just use what he gave you <3>
  14. Learn to cook better lol
  15. Need to take guitar lessons from B&GC and also photography
  16. Learn to drive?
  17. &Last but not least.....stay healthy, stay alive, don't die, and start over fresh.

[p.s. - all my piano music is by's all very beautiful (heart)&check it out on youtube, promise you won't regret it]


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