09/09/09 &First Day of School

O.o wow 090909.....no wonder. My day was like so terrible that day. Cried so much....lol I noticed I've cried like a ton this summer. One of those times maybe? where I have to let my feelings out or else I'll go crazy D:<. But it's alright. Crying ain't bad :]] I guess except for when you're done and you look like a strawberry head because your face is all red from crying for hours XD. Anyway it's all out of my system and I told my baby oreo so now I feel mucho better. JL is a frickin awesum friend, throughout all that crying...he helped me feel better :] You are one of those special friends I'd like to keep for life. <3 And well First Day of School was soo boring.....tiring and I had homework...D;....o wells but I'm not gonna write a lot tonight because I have to call back someone :D and sleep for tomorrow cause I'm tired out. Can't wait for the weekends!!! :D <3


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