Sexy &NonSexy Days

Going back to yesterday; Uhmm.........

Well of course I woke up at like 6:20 A.M. &got ready for school. However, today was different.....I was feeling giddy &excited :]
Why? Because my lovee said he was gonna give me a special surprise, but it was going to be from Betty because he couldn't personally give it to me. I had no idea what it was so don't ask me :X....So I'm like going to school thinking "OMG :]]]]] -grins sooo much- I wonder what it is??!!"
Then, I get to school &yesterday [btw] was Monday. &I'm like happy and putting my stuff in my locker....gonna go meet John's new friends at the flagpole at 7:45....wondering what the surprise is when Betty gets to school.

But ohhh noooo I didn't meet John's friends and I didn't see Betty before school. Then I went to class as usual &after 2nd period was break. I kinda waited for Betty at my locker with Melissa since her's was near mine. She came and I was like OMFG BETTY FINALLY!! WHAT IS IT?!? WHAT'S THE SURPRISE?!? [LMFAO you can tell I was eager for it]. So she's like "Oh yeah." Then she stepped forward and I was like turned sideways to her and she kissed me on the cheek and hugged me....for a SECOND, I was like WTF JUST HAPPENED O.O OMG....lmfao until I heard her say it's from my baby oreo :]]. I totally love you baby. You are my universe, my life, everything; my impossiblities <3.>//////< I wish you could have been the one to be there and do that instead though >.<. Haha, and the whole day after that was sooo good. I was all happy &such, day dreaming in class and being caught off guard. But it's alright because the day dreams were good :]. >.< -sigh- so the whole day was really shoulda seen me XD haha, grinned a lot.

Uhmmmm....&well I don't feel like talking about my day in school today, but finally I finished my homework early and I'm like taking a break by blogging/chatting/not really studying XD. &I can't wait for my oreo to see this because I hope it puts a smile on your face <3...Well I'm going to end this now, hasta manana :].


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