Let Me Be The One.

WELLLLL :D Let's start with yesterday. My day was terrible at the start....I was like bawling in my room, hugging myself, trying to stop crying just for "him." But it was hard. I tried &I did, but he was just soooo sweet to me. I kept thinking....what did I do to deserve this great loving person &everytime time I think about this I start to tear/cry like right now. Why? Because I'm just soooo happy that I have him with me when I know that I'm nowhere near perfect for him. That he loves me and finally fell with me in this "fairy tale." Even though we're miles and miles and miles apart and we can't see each other face to face, we still try to get along and still be veryy content with like AIM, surprises, and webcamming. I can't believe I actually webcamm more now with him. Haha, because I just don't like it much, but now I enjoy it :]

So far, I love him to the point where I'd give him anything, do anything for him, die for him if I had to, &I know we only new each other for like more than a month, but I feel like if I could live with him my whole life and more. Also, if we were older...[IF <--- non-magical word >.>] &he asked me to marry him [doubt that he ever will], I would say yes entirely, not a hesitation. I'd choose him over Edward Cullen anytime, haha. I'd choose him over the greatest hero in the world. I don't know who that is, but I know my hero is my baby oreo. He saves me by listening, caring, &loving me. I will always be there for him like he does for me<3

&&Last night, he called me....we talked almost till 12am again. I was sooo tired I thought I could have fallen asleep on him, but do you know I love hearing him? I really do. You might think I'm crazy and stupid to like someone so faraway because he could always cheat on me and I wouldn't know. But I do know...I know that I trust him. I know that he's the one I really want. I know the consequences if he does leave me, but I don't care. I really love him. I can't think of like EVERYTHING he said to me last night. I just know that he said MANY sweet things to me. I was quiet a lot....sorry >.<....but if you were there with me, you would know. I couldn't find any words that were right enough to reply to him. He is just too good. Haha, all I could do was blush, grin, or smile soo soo much and think, "I'm soo lucky and maybee the happiest person in the world right now."
What made me really sad though was when he said since I was going to HS, maybe I would want to meet new people. Right when he said meet....I already knew what he was talking about and I'm sorry if I was rude to cut in on what you were saying and just say NO, but I love you. No other guy could replace you and yes I'm going to meet new people, but Nooooo I will not leave you ever for some other guy....Yeah, he could be a great person in his own way, but I know you. I know who I love &it's possibly not him.....but you. I was like tearing up AGAIN because he thought that I might leave him >.<. Noo....I won't ever want to leave you unless you did...

Now I just thought....would you leave me and want to meet new people when you go to HS..?....because I'll put up a fight...but if you really wanted...I guess I can't change your decisions.

Anyway...we said I love you to each other like a million times XD. I love hearing that....it always puts a smile on me. -sigh- &my baby...he's so mean....do you know that? XD Makes me hang up on him all the time D:< I don't want to, but I had to :l If only there were ways to let me always be able to hear him day &night....hmm, day and night....guess who told me I was those two things to them? My baby oreo<3. Haha...and he told me this short fairy tale story about this guy and girl falling in love together, but there was a witch in the story that tried to stop them from being together. He also said that our love story could be like a fairy tale if there was a real witch. Haha, sure I guess. Last night....I slept with a smile on my lips and fell asleep thinking how wonderful he is.

Even sleeping on happy thoughts...somehow I managed to get a nightmare. It's the same one over and over, but this time I woke up screaming NOOOOOO DON'T LEAVE ME. The one where he leaves me for someone else...but I told him and he said to forget about it. I hope I can....but ahah, does that show you how much I really love you?

Well for today....woke up at like 7...soooo tired from the nightmare and only 7 hrs of sleep. Oh wells >.<. I got to go on and talk to my baby for awhile &then I had to leave at 10 a.m. to go to this new doctor. Leaving the old doctor cause he's mean and uhmmm....unreasonable >.>. I liked this new place that we went to....Kind of scary though? Felt like another rape o.o....but it wasn't because it was just a check up, somewhat o.O. I got a flu shot....-bleepbleepbleep- it hurt a lot :O haha. Still hurts now....&through those 3 hrs in the doctor's office. All I could think of was him. I missed him &it was so boring there, but oh wells I get to talk to him now. I wish he was there to like hold me or something while I got the shot....hurts like a -bleepbleepbleep- -__-" She looked like she was gonna stabb me to death xD. But I like this place better because the doctors actually talked to me and not just make me wait for like an effin half hour just to check up. Haha I sound like a little crybaby, but whatever xD.

&Uhmmm....so when I came home and got on AIM..I saw him on. This was my reaction -smile starts to spread all across my face even to my eyes- I just love that feeling that he's on and he's there<3

Uhhhhh -trying to remember something from last night-......Oh yeah....well since I didn't want to hang up on him. He made a deal. He tells me something and he just hangs up without waiting for me to reply. He told me and hung up so fast >.<, but even though he hung up and couldn't hear me....This is what I said out loud:

"OMG you are so crazy for liking me, but I love you so much!"
Haha, if people were there...they'd think I was like crazy for yelling at the phone. And while saying that....I had tears coming again. Geez....don't I cry a lot? Yeah I do, but what the heck. It's tears for love<3.

Now to end this long post...I'll end it with an original quote I LOVE THE MOST.

"I love you, more than anything and that you were the best thing to ever happen to me :]. I never see bad in you and always see the positive; there is no bad thing about you. You are my day and night."

add on at 10 p.m.

Well...I barely got to talk to my baby oreo on the phone tonite....I am like sad? Because I don't get to :l you can tell because I didn't even say bye or I love you back to him before he hung up. &ehh idunno D: I miss him.....I can't stop looking at his pictures x]. Be like...-sigh- he's soo cute and weird, but just how I like it <3. I wanna talk to him more....should I call and leave a voicemsg?


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