
My dad finally has like a day off today so he took our whole family out to the block. We were planning to go watch a movie, but we decided to just walk around &then go to Lucky Strike Lanes and play bowling. It was like sooo embarrassing....&I know that's like being embarrassed of my family, but I can't help it...what they do in public -__-" Anyway, so we walked around, went in shops and stuff, then finally got to Lucky Strike. We went inside and played 3 rounds of thumb hurts a bit after, but I'm alright now :]. Then we played pool for another hour. I was calling manuel during pool since he told me this morning that he would be at the block with Anthony. So I called and someone picked up and I said hello? but no one answered so I just hung he claims he said hello? like 5 times lol...oh wells. So we left after pool. While playing bowling....even though I love playing was just boring. I sat there most of the time starring at my phone. I don't know why, but I miss someone. I hope what happened yesterday doesn't effect things so greatly because I want to do well in school and remember the person that's the most important to me ever. So I kept starring at my cell, but I don't know what I was waiting for. I guess waiting to see if he would call....but that's so dumb of's monday, he wouldn't call that early :l. After that we decided to go eat, but our whole family was like arguing over where. "OMG LET'S GO TO MICKEY D'S. NO, CARL'S JK. NO LET'S HAVE BUFFET..BLAHBLAHBLAH" haha. Families....always loud, but full of love. So we ate at Carl's Jr. then took my little brother home &went to payless since there was a buy one get one half off sale. I got my shoe and my lil sister got hers. Happy story. Lol, so uhm that was like all....even though I did the things I liked and got what I wanted...I still felt empty, bored, & probably know why already.


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