School life sucks. I like it, but not enough to even want to go to school nowadays. I'm like fucking tired &I don't feel like waking up at 6:30a.m. each morning. I hate that the teachers don't explain everything well &they "expect" us to like know everything. That's not so possible >.>. I'm like so tired right now. My friend Diana has to spend like 80-100 bucks on this stupid "professional" calculator for math &like the schools are making us waste soo soo much money its not even funny. I'm using like a ton of dividers this years...it's like not pretty and p.e. sucks. I can't frickin swim! I can't >.< I tried &I can't. &we have swim during p.e. this thursday. WTF. I don't see the point in bringing my bathing suit, changing, getting wet, but not being able to swim and just sit there. I really see no frickin point. I'd rather go run a mile, and you people know I don't like running much cause I can't run fast. They said they will teach us how to swim....I'm so not up for that either....whatever. &school has barely started, but I'm like loaded with homework and today I just finished mine right now, but I have to study for my geometry quiz tomorrow. Ayahh...I'm so tired...my eyelids are like drooping xD. Well...good things about school....I'm making a little bit of new friends...mostly only guys cause the girls seem really really mean. No kidding. &like I get to hang out with friends....barely. Well....I'm tired...I hope my baby oreo feels better and gets better from his sprained ankle soon >.< cause you know I worry a lot. &he promised me pics...it's like I'm never going to get them XD. Then, I promised JennyH a picture...ehh I'm too tired to upload it onto my phone...maybe this weekend...sorry Jenny. &John :] you're awesome. I care about you of course because you're my friend &don't let anyone get you down because you have to know that you're a great person. And if you don't then I'll tell you from my point of view that you're special and unique and I like that. You're different &you should keep it that way. Don't let others hurt you but if they do, I'll be all the way there with you.
Well that's all for tonight....gonna go rest. Byebyee<3.


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