Problems arise once more.

"I love you this much <--> because it goes on forever :]" -anne

>.< Argg; Today sucks sucks sucks sooo much. My babys at school. Sooo bored like...nothing to do and I kept thinking about him >.<. Gosh I should find something to do with my life XD....I did finish reading "Kitchen Princess" though. It was really sad...&romantic....I totally recommend it :] Uhm...even though I say there's nothing to do, I actually did a lot of things like read, sing, dance, work out, clean my house, eat, cook, &etc. I guess it's just I miss my oreo so much. I wish we could live closer, but oh wells. I kind of felt all down the whole day, but my awesum friend JL talked to me &helped me through my problems. I've known him for awhile now, but only started talking to him like a few days from now :). Glad that we started talking. Anyway, I feel like I have so much problems....never ending and aways more. Maybe it's just me, always soo moody, especially in relationships like Kristen says so. Haha, but Idunno it just sucks because I feel lost &I have no idea what happens and I'm always so suspicious, but I really am trying to become a better person, just gimme time :].

Hmm...&like my arm's muscle or something has been hurting. Whenever I use it, it hurts >.<. I was told to rest it, but I have to do like laundry and such so it's hard :l. Still hurts a lot right now. Ehh...I don't feel like explaining much, but I'll say that when my baby oreo came on AIM I literally jump for joy. I love seeing him come on :D. I actually BEGGED my little sister to stay on because he just got on....but yea haha, I was like happy and all smiley. Makes my day. But then THINGS started to happen and this was when I got all moody/bitchy/mean/pissed/etc...well I just need to talk it out soon with him.

But I'm feeling better now. I dunno if I make any sense while writing this? because I'm like chatting with 3 people on AIM, thinking, and talking on the phone with Kristen. & was kind of sad >.< Since my baby has school today it was like our last night getting to really talk to each other and my heart felt sooo ripped apart just thinking about how much time we wouldn't get to spend together. I can't even hear his voice that much anymore because my stupid phone doesn't let him leave me voicemails, but he could hear mine because his phone lets.....Then, I can't hear him sing to me anymore....&&like I asked him before to play piano to me on the phone, but that's going to have to wait as well unless he forgets :[ and I can't hear that either....argg, I really don't like we can't be near each other, but we have to keep getting even farther apart. Yeah, he tells me we'll be in each other's hearts. I know that of course, but I'm just afraid...afraid he'll lose feelings for me &then just vanish like my ex's. Afraid that we'll grow apart and he'll like some other person. It's sooo errr....when you talk to that're afraid to like them. Once you like them, you're afraid to love them. Then when you fall in love with them, you're afraid of losing them. That's how I feel throughout this whole thing....I really don't wanna lose him because he means everything to me. I hope he knows that &that if he likes some other girl....he should just tell me instead of 2-tailing and cheating on me...letting me find out later....because those never end out well at all. No lie. -sigh- Well...I hope we get to talk out my problems soon babyy boy....>.< I don't want things to get worse &I want to talk it out on the phone especially.....Well, that's all for tonight....

Shout out to ADL:
"I love you and I know I get suspicious too much...wayy too much, but it just shows that I care >.< &I just wanna talk things out and work it out before it becomes a bigger problem then needed."


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