Sep. 18/19 2009

Let's start off this with yesterday morning, woke up with a feeling that the day was going to be a drag. Which it was because I had like SAT test in Eng first period, then a graph &Chap 1 quiz in Biology [more like a test] in second period , and a Spanish quiz 6th. I got 20/20 on my SAT thing, but I don't know about my other scores...I think I did good or okay though. :O Oh! &I passed my first geometry quiz with a 8/8 :D Fo shizzle<3 nerd's in the house :D

Anyway......English is always one talks, it's like dead silent at my group T.T and then I get sleepy, haha. In second, bio, ehh I'm surrounded by Mexican guys [not to be racist, but that's what they are] &it's so boring too because I don't talk much and they're scary. Then 3rd period is P.E.....I was like dreading to go to that class at first because we're having swim as you know &of course...I can't effin swim for shitt xD, but JennyH was with me today so like it was better. I actually tried to float like a ball and I did. I kinda paniked at the end though when you had to put out your arms &legs because I felt so unsafe and like I was gonna fall even though I was in water XD. It feels very different when you don't know how to swim so it's scarier for us that are beginners :P &&like in these 3 weeks of swim, I hope I will learn to swim cause it would help a lot &I do like to swim...I just dunno how. Sooo I got my hair wet and like I was kinda like trying to tie my hair up afterwards or else it would puff like mad....that took awhile xD.

Then, I went to 4th period Geo. I'm always first in the class cause it's next to the gym &Maricio? [Idunno how to spell his name XD] He's always next to come in....He's sooo frickin weird/funny in a good way. Buggs me at times, but it's not annoying and like I help him with like math problems :D Feel so smart helping a sophomore...I think xD. Uhmm &I let Vinh borrow my math I'll have to ask for that back on el lunes :] (Oh yeah, that's my sexy not even, I'm still learning, but I'm getting there :]]). After 4th, we had a pep rally in the gym. It was really funn and exciting because everyone was in the like the school spirit mood &I loved the cheers' moves. Chorus/band were sooo frickin awesum :O I wanna be like those guys that played the drums so well like pros xD. Then there was like tennis players/football/vball players out there &ASB made the like most cutest video ever to advertise for homecoming!

Uhmm then after that was lunch &I usually don't eat because the lines are always too long and I don't feel like buying food so Jenny got some chicken xD &was like sharing with everyone. She grossed out Christy's buddie with her chewing XD....Grossed out me too. Anyway, we're just standing in the shade and Adrian [the shortie] was like OMG there's something on you anne! And I kinda shrieked cause it was those huge bugs T.T, but Christy smacked it away with my history textbook [thank god]. Lol I am like terrified of those things, but not like of bees, spiders, &such; so weird.

Afterwards was 5th period World Hist is THE most boring/sleepyish class ever. I won't be surprised if I fell asleep in there one day XD. &finally Spanish class was somewhat fun because I got to sit with Anh. Then finally school was over &it's el viernes, but soo much homework....I came home all tired, ate, then got on the computer. I missed my baby oreo >.< &I was glad that he was on. I always talk to him while doing my homework haha. It actually helps me I think?

Blahblahblah I was really tired &I went to shower at like 7? &then I came back on the computer afterwards and tried to finish up the homework I had left. It became 9 so quickly &my oreo wanted to talk to me...well I wanted to too, but I still had a load of hw [I still do now] &he's so mean XD, "forced" me to finish some of it and finish the rest this weekend. So I did some of it &then I ditched it cause I couldn't do it anymore and I got off to go call him :]. It's so funny if you were here to see what happens when I call a guy, but especially when I call my baby oreo...haha just ask Katie&Diana on how much I freak out to call a guy. It takes me awhile to dial or press the numbers because I just get distracted with my thoughts of "OMG should I call now? Is it a bad time to call? What am I suppose to say?!" Lol well, it take's like a couple of minutes to half an hour for me to call xD &even though I've talked to my baby oreo a bunch of times, I still get nervous calling him :] so cute huh? Not really haha more like weirdo xD.

Well we talked &I don't know how many times before that I've said this...but I really really L0VE hearing his's sooo soothing to me &cute ^-^. I just like hearing it so much, makes me feel safe &I wish I could wake up &hear it every morning, but I can't :l. O wells...soo we were talking about school and friends &then it got all serious and tears came >.<, but I was alright because I had my baby with me &he's so awmazing...he made me feel a lot better &knowing that he teared up too for me is really something important. No guy would cry for me, but this one would. This one guy is all I ever really need &knowing that you teared up for me...I feel bad that I made you be like that >.<, but also you proved you really care about me....It means a lot to me &I wish we lived so much closer, but I'm okay with what I have now because maybe if you lived near...I would have never gotten to know you at all? Well, I feel very lucky &that's why even though you made me feel better with your advice...I kinda still cried because I felt so lucky....sooo undeserving of you. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm glad that you did happen, and I'm so happy that you're with me because I need you a lot and I want you >////<. I really really love my baby oreo...forever and always :).

Then, John called so I talked to him for awhile about his dance that he had. It seemed to be really funn, if only I could have gone :] cause I love dances. Well we only talked for awhile because I got sleepy. Afterwards I missed my baby oreo >.< so I called him again, but we talked only for a bit too[gosh, you really just sound too adorable<3]...I really wish there was some other word that would express more of my feelings for you other then love because I love you way more then just "love." Haha, does that make any sense? If not, o wells...I just know I have so much feelings for you &there's so much more I need to learn about you<3.

&you know...when you asked who I would like to meet in the whole wide world? Well I only have one, my baby oreo. I didn't hesitate because I know you ARE the only one I really wanna meet &especially if anything bad did happen.....but when you said you would meet someone else other then me [even though you were just kidding]...I felt kind of hurt >.< but it's alright. I'll just get over it. Well enough about yesterday.

Today I woke up at like 9 &first thing I did? Called my baby oreo :] Haha I just wanted to hear him so badly so yeah.....that's the best thing so far for today. Well I'm done blogging....gonna go eat or something. Byees.

p.s. I love you.


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