Too tired to think

okay...Ima right w.e. comes to mind so mind that. Anyway, I'm really tired. P.E. isn't funn, it's more embarrasing because I dunno how to swim. It's like everyone stares at you while you fail terribly at trying to get to the other side of the shallow pool. It sucks &it hurts when people actually laugh at you. Laugh at me, ill cry for you to see >.>. It's not like I dont wanna learn. I've tried before, but i can't help it if i's not my effin fault. then I only wet my hair a bit, but i hate it cuz it like puffs and frizzes so yeah for 3 weeks i'ma look like some crazy girl walking around santiago. srry for the display of horror -__-. eng class is somewhat ok...i sit next to the most quietest ppl ever and that spreads....makes me really quiet too >.>. then in biology we do notes like everyday and i have like 7 already in 4 days...its alot of hw too. every single day, so so much hw its like i dont finish until now, but after i gtg study for 3 tests tomorrow for eng, bio, and spanish. geo is fun but then there's this guy in my class thats a 10th grader that loves to like whisper to me. he whispers the most ridculous things and it kinda bothers but idc. it's just that he makes me realize that the guy vinh that i've been helping in the beginning stares ALOT at makes me nervous in that class, but o wells. then in world hist is interesting but like seriously i could fall asleep in that class like no kidding...soooo much lectures and hes keeps going on and on and on...haha...then 6th period is funn but i cant do much cuz i sit with a bunch of ppl that seem to not want to learn and it makes me feel uncomfortable to speak spanish. and well i do my homework at home while talking to like my baby oreo :]

i love talking to him....he's like the most wonderful thing ever to me. No lies. I sometimes doubt him a lot and he always picks it up and proves me wrong. I love him<3 so so so much that i could go on forever telling him that i do and i'd kiss him like the whole day if he was here >.< I wanna hold him so badly. Lol, anyway well we were talking then all of a sudden we're talking about Dr. seuss idunno if thats spelled correctly but w.e. and then this is what I wrote to him:

I love you like the sky is blue.
My love goes on forever, but full of terror.
I miss you, I wanna kiss you.
I'm so tired, but time with you is like fire;
beats fast, you'll be my last.

<3 I took time outta doing my homework and thought of it as quick as I could <3 I really do mean it. You're my baby forever <3....haha did I beat dr. seuss? If not I'll make up a rap for you soon XD ahah.
you might be reading this &think "OMG anne! :O stop saying 'I love you' and don't really know what love is!"

Sure if you wanna say so, but I know what I love and who I love. I've been through a lot and I'm all serious about this guy. I really found a place where I could say I'm comfortable being here, but fear of losing it so much it hurts. Well that's all for tonight....Adios.


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